Hello! Calorie Stumper...

snertygerty Posts: 5
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello! I am a little new to this. I usually just keep to myself and have been tracking on my own. But now I am reaching out for some advice...
I have noticed everyday my log says I did not reach my calorie goal. I am always just a bit under, but by the time I do my cardio, I am really short. I know it sounds strange, but since I have started really keeping track of this, I have had to increase my food intake in order to lose weight. Not the typical thought for overweight people. My first meal was usually at 3:00 in the afternoon, due to my busy schedule. However, since taking this seriously, I force myself to have breakfast and healthy snacks through the day. Anyway, my question is, am I still getting enough even though I am just a little shy every day? My "goal" calorie intake is about 1500. I am usually around 1400-1450. However, after doing cardio, I get an extra 800 added on, so then I really fall short. Is that still ok or should I be trying to get into that burned calorie area? I have been losing weight, so I think I am doing it right. I have actaully lost 9 pounds in about 2 weeks. I know it tends to come off fast the first couple of weeks, so I do not want to get stuck where it slows down because I am not eating enough for my activity level. Any thoughts from past experience out there???


  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    as long as youre under goal you should be losing weight i wouldnt sweat it. you may want to eat some of the exercise calories back though
  • I just went through this and it is important to eat many if not all of the Carioca calories to which you refer. My goal was 1375 per day and by the time I did exercise it was roughly 1800-2000. So when I ate 1300 and then deducted 500 for cardio I was at 800 or starving my body. I lost weight initially but then got stuck. Once I started eating more...I lost more weight. What a great thing!,,
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    If you're getting 1400 calories a day, i think you're getting enough.
    I'm not an expert though.
    Lots of people on here don't eat their exercise calories....so you're not alone.

    If you want to add some quick calories, eat some ( raw) nuts.....they are loaded with calories and healthy fats ( when you roast them...the heat kills the good qualities of the fat)
    The fats are good for your skin too :-)
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    I was wrong....I just read Ladyhawks links and they make lots of sense...

    Don't know why all the other reponses only show up after I already post mine??
  • Thanks for the the great tips...I will try to keep eating more...ugh! Like I said before, I am used to eating one meal a day, so this has been a real challenge for me...Not sure how I am going to possibly eat this much in one day. I do intense kickboxing, so, according to this that is another 800 calories to eat...that is a ton!!!!
  • jenX1174
    jenX1174 Posts: 154
    I know what you mean...I feel like I'm eating all the time! My calorie goal set by MFP (sedentary) is 1880 (that's after the 500 deficit they figure). I burn about 500-600 cals through exercise, and try to keep my net cals at about 1200-1400 a day. After a week, I lost 3 pounds. I don't always expect this every week, and I'm sure I'll need to adjust in the future. But, yeah, I feel like I'm constantly eating ---- I just look at it as food is fuel.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Everything sounds good the only things is 800 calories exercise is that off a machine at the gym, from what others have said ect
    ex I do P90x book says you can burn 600 to 800 calories well i cant with a heart rate monitor I average 300 to 350 cardio days, lifting days are in the 200 anyway you might be closer cal wise than you think. If your using the numbers off gym machines you must but in your weight and other numbers because a 250 lbs person burns more calories than a 120 lbs person when walking the same amount of time.
  • I do 45 minutes of kickboxing. I enter it into the system on here, and that is what the number the give me. I never EVER get close to eating that much, and I figure it must be off. But that is what they tell me!?!?
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