amk864 Member


  • I dont have the xbox I have the wii and I love it! When you do a full class at the end it will tell you how many calories you've burned. Look at the clock before you start. There are three different class lengths so the time will vary. I think you'll enjoy it. Please let me know
  • I am a teacher and I agree with Mindyrosy. Summer has never been a time for significant weight loss for me. Although I have a more consistent fitness routine, after I'm done I just sit around. As was stated before, during the school year, I'm so busy with work and kids standing walking them to and from activities don't…
  • Melinda, Just read your post as I was finishing my WW friendly sandwich and baked chips. I love carbs, so to read it is the enemy is a blow. I guess I need to make an effort to cut back on them.