jadeb94 Member


  • Actually, the liver breaks alcohol molecules down, and one of the products of this process is keto acid, which can be used in respiration, i.e to provide you with energy. It's respired in much te same way as a carbohydrate molecule. The energy gained is just not as high and the process of breaking alcohol down deposits…
  • hahaha, you should see my diary! Some people would have a nervous breakdown at how unhealthy I can be! Can't say I've ever experienced such pushy people on here. I just get well dones and keep it ups when I do well, keep looking for helpful friends!
  • You've taken the first step now, so well done! Your journey won't be easy- no-one's ever is, but it will be oh so rewarding when the scale starts to move the other way! Not that I would know, I haven't lost any weight yet, but I have lost inches :) If you want support, feel free to add me. I am on here everyday to log food…
    in New & Down Comment by jadeb94 May 2012
  • I'm pretty much exactly the same as brandibangs. I'm 5'2", 130lbs and have a short torso, so most of my fat is bang on my belly, drives me crazy!
  • Come on girls, loosen up a bit! There's nothing wrong with having a bit of a joke! It's no different to a woman teasing about how only women can multitask. I have no problem with people poking fun, but when it gets serious, that's when I have a problem. I have some feminist ideals, such as being independent and strong, and…
  • You've taken the first step by joining, so a HUGE well done! If you want any extra motivation or anything, feel free to add me, I love the support system we have on mfp, we all really pull together to help each other through the downs and celebrate the ups. Good luck with your weight loss!
  • I'll add you now, the more friends on your list, the more motivation you will get! :D
  • I keep finding this guy's posts, he's hilarious!
  • Agreed, youre basically starving yourself by doing this and making your body want to hold onto and store every single extra calorie it can get. It seems a little scary, but try eating more, I know when I first tried it I was so scared I would gain weight, but you could seriously damage your body doing what you are now. A…
  • Personally, I don't think BMI matters, you can obviously see a change in yourself, and felt much sexier and fitter than you did before! THAT is what matters! And people will not have thought you were stupid, when people notice someone has lost weight, they admire them for their determination and will power, they don't…
  • I'm Jade, 18 and from Altrincham! Could do with more MFP friends, so do feel free to add away!
  • Same here, I'm very good at offering advice, but can never take my own! I would also love advice and tips :)
  • I completely sympathise. I still live at home, and I have asked in the past if my Mum could possibly start buying healthier options for me. All I got from that was a lot of grief about her having to spend extra money on food just for me and the question 'what's so wrong with our food?'. But will she let me buy my own…