

  • Yep, I believe men can race too... I'm not sure when it sells out... they have 4,000 racing, I believe. I know a friend of mine was put on the waitlist last year, but I don't know when she signed up. Sorry I am no help!
  • SERinDC: Whoa, that is great! It sounds like you have lots of races coming up! Good luck! I started training for ZOOMA three years ago and then busted my knee... so now that I am healthy(ish) I want to tackle it! I just think the mission of ZOOMA is great, so I am really excited!
  • Pull ups, dips and chin ups! Don't use the assisted machine either... If you can't do them on your own, try getting a resistance band to help! Also, if you want to tone, I recommend light weights (like 5lbs!) -- heavy weights will get you strong, but the light ones should give you some definition.
    in Arms Comment by elNuge February 2012
  • You definitely should add in some more exercise. You should try to find an aerobics class or something (I go at my gym) -- without physically lifting weights (even if they are really light!) you won't change your musculature much. Try adding in cardio (more than just walking) to see dramatic results. 1200 net calories…