

  • Any kind of oatmeal. My favorite it Scottish Country Oats. 1/2 cup Granola (I used Udi's Gluten Free Cranberry Granola) with 1/2 cup Greek Yogurt is another favorite. Good luck and enjoy your day from start to finish.
  • Congratulations on making the decision to get off the diet wagon and on to a healthy eating plan for life. You can add me as well. Cheers, Greta (aka Zaksmom)
  • Bodybugg does not measure heart rate, only calories expended, so if you want something that measures heart rate as well, go with the Polar FT7. Also a word of warning on the bodybugg, if you re allergic to nickel, don't get it. The back is made of nickel even though it looks like stainless. I had mine for about two weeks…
  • Wow, 1200 calories is nothing. I can't even imagine eating that few a calories anymore. MFP pall put me at 1500 as I need to lose 145 pounds. I though cool, I'll just eat a few less calories and I'll lose all the more. WRONG! I didn't lose a thing. Then I got BIggest Loser for Wii and that put me at 2280 to start. AAAGGG I…