whitters05 Member


  • Terrible contribution, but I scoop brownie mix out of the box and just add a bit of water and enjoy. The bag last several servings and it tastes just as good with less calories! It helps limit me a bit, but is still terrible for me!!! As for confessions, I hate the new fad where women who are pretty overweight call…
  • I can definitely understand this and completely advise getting help. I have a compulsion disorder that sounds very similar, and I've found the more I try to fight it the worse the urge gets until I explode. The one thing I've found that helps me is that I have a set of things I have to do before I let myself cave in. It…
  • I'm happy you found something that works! My 7 month daughter doesn't really nap or like strollers (she's crazy), so the only thing I've found that works for me is going to the gym after she's in bed. Thankfully she goes to bed around 7 pm, so plenty of time! I also found that night time was best for me anyway! I'm…
  • I'm in the same boat as you hmhsu! I've lost all my pregnancy weight (6 months pp), but I've still got another 40 I'd like to lose to get to a weight I'm comfortable with. And I feel like with nursing I just have to make sure to count BFing as 500 calories of exercise and only shoot for 1 lb a week loss. If I try to do…
  • I put it as a -500 calories as cardio instead of as a food. But either as a food or exercise works the same! And BFing makes things difficult in the weight loss department it seems. While you do get the extra 500 calorie boost (which is great), I feel like I'm hungry all the time! And with a baby who demands constant…
  • I'm 26 and looking to lose 40 lb and then tone up! I'm jumping into the boards since I feel like I'm more likely to succeed if I have people to hold me accountable. I'm exercising and staying within calories, but I'm not planning on limiting what foods I eat (though I'm going to try to eat healthier in general).