orangechair Member


  • Go easy on them. After all, she does sound like she looks quite eloquent, but I'll reframe from reverberating further on the subject.
  • You're 23 and have tried all of those things? Your body must think you're trying to attack it, and like someone else has said, nothing must have stuck for long. Some of those are things you should always do, but I'm not going to point them out, because... I'll throw a crazy thought out here - talk to your doctor. Tell…
  • Yeah, that whole "ideal weight" thing gets goofy for guys our size. I'm 6'4" with more of a medium frame (which is a big consideration - if you were an OL, I suspect you're not in the 'medium frame' category), and I've seen 155 as the low end of the 'ideal' range. Ummm....not so much. To the point - my personal goal is…
  • At the heart of it, it really does depend - which one would you be more likely to stick with on a consistent basis? Also, are you talking about running on the treadmill or more 'power' walking? Those would make a decent difference in calories burned during exercise. For me, I get on the treadmill and walk because during…