ElzbthStths Member


  • In my first marriage, I cooked. 26 years of cooking and cleaning. My husband now, who is Greek/Italian, HE cooks, and boy does he cook! I now get to do what *I* want. I mow the grass, lay sod, plant a vegetable garden, weed, fertilize, trim bushes, and cut down small trees. I'm doing what relaxes me and he's doing what…
  • YEAH, not much different than when they used to ask you to write down everything you ate, but boy is it WAY EASIER! And who today does not have their phone with them all the time?? Wait untill you start tightening your belt more and more, and your shoes even get loose. Cool stuff!
  • Good move. If I maintain, just maintain, and not gain weight during this time, I figure I'm doing pretty good. Weigh yourself in a week. Also, learn (by practicing) to not let the scale dictate your mood. It can become self destructive. You deserve to be treated better than that, especially when you've been doing all the…
  • Cardio, Cardio, Cardio....sweartogod, it stops all the premenstrual, pre or peri menopausal symptoms. Drink Traditional Medicinals Weighless Cranberry Tea, take cranberry supplements, drink water with a lemon slice. I told my doctor I DO NOT need to take medications, such as xanax, zoloft, sleeping pills, diuretics...they…
  • I agree. if you make it so you HAVE to log EVERYTHING, then it becomes a pain to snack. Because you have to go log it! AUGH! See? It's psychological.
  • She's so right! Once on a roll....it HAS to go! The excess weight has no choice!
  • Say what you want, but I eat way below my calorie intake. Every day. It's the ONLY thing that works. At my age - 53 - not much else works anymore, except that. I first noticed that I started fitting into my clothes better, than the scale had no choice but to MOVE! Always weigh yourself at the same time of day. After you…
  • I'm 53! I used to be fit in my 40's. Now, I sweartogod, I no longer know this body. I knew my physical self as well as a well oiled machine, then it all changed,and what worked before doesn't work now, nor does it have the same result, so........solution? Find what DOES work, experiment. I don't have it down yet ( I swear…
  • You wanna know what my art outlet is these days ( I mean, we GOTTA get it out somehow, right!?)? Since I can't combine art with business... I have collected, organized and filed all of these do it yourself interior design projects in my house. I have files with pictures, insutructions, paint and fabric swatches, TONS of…
  • I have a BFA from Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia. It's an all womens's 4 yr art college. I was there way back when Gloria Vanderbilt was on the school board. In a very Northern East Coast state, I taught art in schools, freelanced my work, designed and etched portraits on monuments in a business I owned…
  • WOW, you know what slight thing improved on your body from Sept 2011 to February? Take a look at the tops of your thighs. Especially the back views. That annoying ( to me that is) "softness", "squishiness" whatever you wanna call it, is TIGHT and SMOOTH! Nice work! It may be slight, but it really shows a "finished Product"…
  • SHOES!!
  • Dance and Pop music to work out with, but otherwise I listen to just the news. I don't have a stereo, if I did, I'd have the Rock Classics playing as well as Classical.
  • Drink water with a lemon during the day, to keep the water weight off. I also drink for a HOT drink, Traditional Medicinals Weightless Cranberry tea. That way you know if you are weighing YOURSELF and not you and a bunch of water. Carbs also make you retain water so limit them. Like WHITE carbs, things with white flour,…
  • ...in reading all of these posts you feel great, because you've actually had these "moments" and can relate to each one!! Best all around moment has to be when you lay down on your back and both hip bones poke up. Therefore, you no longer have to lay down on the bed any longer to zip up your pants. AAAHHHH! "That moment…
  • You have an apple or an orange and it tastes just like candy to you, because you have gone so long without eating candy or sweet desserts, that now fruit tatstes more sweet than candy. YUM!
  • Your "old" clothes start coming out of the back of the closet, and they not only fit, but they fit comfortably! Your new underwear ( that you bought because your OLD underwear was just TOO uncomfortable) are now baggy and look like Granny Panties. The arm holes in shirts and jackets no longer cut you all day long and you…
  • When the skinny armed little boys at the gym, are staring at this 53 yr old mom, because with the weights she's lifting, HER arms are showing WAY more cut than HIS little arms! LOL!
  • Mine is just my full name without all the vowels, except for the "E", which is necessary for the name "Elizabeth". As in, :bigsmile: Elzbth. Stths is my married name, Stathis