

  • Week 3 - Fit Test 3 Dec 12 Switch Kicks - 70 Power Jacks - 32 Power Knees - 59 Power Jumps - 21 Globe Jumps - 6 Suicide Jumps - 9 Push-Up Jacks - 11 Low Plank Oblique – 32 Well...there is a bit of improvement, but not as much as I was hoping for...so I will have to push harder the next couple of weeks!
  • My calves are buring too!!! OMG! I always remember to stretch my calves after now that I know they never do! By the end of todays Pure Cardio, my calves are finally starting to feel better!
  • This group is exactly what I needed! I haven't told any of my friends that I'm doing this program...so I love being able to come here and talk about it and get the encouragement from all of you! Thanks :)
  • I did Plyo today! What a workout!!!
  • Week 1 – Fit Test 19 Nov 12 Switch Kicks - 56 Power Jacks - 25 Power Knees - 45 Power Jumps - 15 Globe Jumps - 5 Suicide Jumps - 8 Push-Up Jacks - 9 Low Plank Oblique – 25
  • Hi all, I'm JJ. I just started Insanity today with the fit test! It's going to be a great workout if I can keep up wtih it! :) I am in the Canadian Military and am coming due for my annual fitness test...I have less than 3 weeks until test day (6 Dec) so I'm hoping this will bring me up enough in cardio to hopefully pass…
  • Hey, I'm starting Insanity tomorrow too! I've been working up to it (mentally) for a week or two now...and it's time to just do it! I'll let you know how I make out after my first fit test! Good Luck on your Fit Test!