jweatherbie Member


  • Add me as well. I have been doing it for a few months. Down 30 lbs on keto
  • I restarted yesterday after a single ice cream cone and too much alcohol during a week at the cottage kicked me out of ketosis (according to ketostix).
  • I've started trying to be under 20g (net) this week but struggling to stay under 30.
  • I've started trying to be under 20g (net) this week but struggling to stay under 30.
  • After easing in for a couple weeks I'm trying to stay under my 20g of carbs a day this week. I'll be hitting some of you up to be friends as well. I've already lost 40 lbs in the last year through using MFP and 1600 cals a day + doing T25 and getting in as many steps per day as possible. My exercise has kind of fallen off…
  • I am onto week 3 now and it will get better. I do about 25% to 75% modifier depending on how my ankle feels each session. The modifier on the high bounce exercises. Last night my son and I did alpha lower body focus and kept in time with the instructors which we were very excited about. Don't be afraid to switch it up a…
  • I have only been tracking off of my Fit Bit. I found that on the Ab Intervals it probably wasn't accurate as a lot of the moves were on the mat but I was fine with it, I got on the elliptical after to get more steps in. Last night was Day 4 and the first one my kids (girl 12 and boy 14) did with me. They loved it. My…
  • I just did day 3 of Alpha last night at 11pm (total body workout) and I found it to be the hardest yet. I had to follow the modifier about 75% of the time. I take a few 15 second breaks (only 1 to 2). I have paused/slow motion playback a couple times so I can look at the screen to figure out what moves they are doing. I…
  • Got Day 2 in, was easier than Day 1. Stayed with the 50% regular, 50% modifier. Still far from their speed on regular but it's a continuing process. Played hockey last night for an hour after doing T25 speed 1.0 and ended the day with a 2000 calorie deficit according to MFP and fitbit. The reward - 2 lbs lighter this…
  • I just did the first T25 session last night and it was tough. I followed the regular moves for about 50% and modifier for about 50%. My groin and calves were so sore when I was done I could hardly get up the stairs. Felt great after a nice shower though and good today. I play hockey once a week and coach hockey (on the ice…