

  • A good rule of thumb is this: If you're sick from the neck up, it's okay to exercise. If you're sick from the neck down (chest cold, wet cough, etc) stay home and sleep. Of course, it also depends on you as an individual. Personally, exercising with a headache just makes me want to curl up and die, and does not help. If…
  • It isn't possible to target fat loss in certain areas of the body; only muscle growth. Some women store fat in their thighs, others in their glutes, and others all over. It's just the way certain women are built. If you're losing weight overall, you should have some size difference, but if you naturally store more fat in…
  • Thanks very much!
  • On most days I'm able to get a good amount of sleep. On my own with no alarm, I'll usually sleep between six and eight hours, and on most days if I end up in bed at 7:00am I can sleep until 2:00 before I need to get up again, which I consider a good sleep and usually wake up feeling rested.
  • I've been doing bodyweight workouts at home for some time. For the time being I'm using the classic Charles Atlas workout to maintain. If you'd like, feel free to contact me for suggestions. Again, I don't claim to be a fitness expert, but I have designed my own workouts from the very beginning (with the occasional…
  • Are you looking for free weight advice, bodyweight workouts, advice on which machines to use, etc? For a beginner bodyweight workouts are (in my opinion; I am not a fitness expert and can only speak from my own experience) the absolute best. Pushups work the arms, core, back, and to a lesser extent the legs. Planks target…
  • I had awful shin splints as well. I mentioned it to a personal trainer I know, and after taking a look at my calves, he said that it was probably caused by having too much muscle on the back and not being balanced out on the front. I started doing a little bit of strength training with reverse-calf raises, and within three…
  • Bump? (I apologize if bumping isn't allowed; I'm just trying to get an answer rather than having the thread get totally lost.)
  • Coming up on 22 here. Good to know I'm not the only younger person hanging about here!
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