How to make a good full body strength training routine?

I'm gonna do it 3X a week, regular cardio 3 days, and the 7th day is a rest day.
How do I figure out which exercises, number of sets/reps would work for a beginner? Thank you.


  • Centrifugal
    Are you looking for free weight advice, bodyweight workouts, advice on which machines to use, etc? For a beginner bodyweight workouts are (in my opinion; I am not a fitness expert and can only speak from my own experience) the absolute best. Pushups work the arms, core, back, and to a lesser extent the legs. Planks target the entire core. Burpees are a good exercise for building explosive strength. Pullups are the mother of all arm and back workouts, and also use muscles further down on the torso, and even the legs to a limited extent. There are dozens of other exercises you can do with just your own body weight that build total-body fitness, and the best part is that they don't require anything other than your body, a solid surface to stand on, and maybe a low chair or bench in some cases.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I'm gonna do it 3X a week, regular cardio 3 days, and the 7th day is a rest day.
    How do I figure out which exercises, number of sets/reps would work for a beginner? Thank you.

    Instead of trying to create your own, maybe look at Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5 programs. The New Rules of Lifting for Women is also a good read i've heard
  • dictations
    Well, I want to build lean muscle mass so I hear weight training will work, but I'd love if I could do it only with bodyweight workouts.
    I'll have to look more into them, thank you, since I don't wanna have to spend $$ on weights (you see, I'm a huge cheap *kitten*).
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm gonna do it 3X a week, regular cardio 3 days, and the 7th day is a rest day.
    How do I figure out which exercises, number of sets/reps would work for a beginner? Thank you.

    Instead of trying to create your own, maybe look at Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5 programs. The New Rules of Lifting for Women is also a good read i've heard
    Agreed. Why not start with something that has already been designed specifically for a beginning lifter and has been proven to work well? I am about a month into Stronglifts 5x5. I work out with my husband and we are both really liking the program.
  • dictations
    I suppose trying something like that WOULD be easier, I'll look into it as well :3
  • Centrifugal
    I've been doing bodyweight workouts at home for some time. For the time being I'm using the classic Charles Atlas workout to maintain. If you'd like, feel free to contact me for suggestions. Again, I don't claim to be a fitness expert, but I have designed my own workouts from the very beginning (with the occasional inclusion of "scripted" ones like the Atlas workout) and have never had any frustration with the results.
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    I'm gonna do it 3X a week, regular cardio 3 days, and the 7th day is a rest day.
    How do I figure out which exercises, number of sets/reps would work for a beginner? Thank you.

    Instead of trying to create your own, maybe look at Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5 programs. The New Rules of Lifting for Women is also a good read i've heard


    They've already been made for you. Starting Strength is the strength training program. I'm not familiar with Stronglifts 5x5, but I used Madcow's 5x5 (google it and they have have a nice spread sheet that will calculate what your next lifts will be. The only thing about Starting Strength is that the Power Cleans are difficult to master without someone checking your form.
  • bnash76
    bnash76 Posts: 1 Member
    I am a huge fan of Crossfit. There are all kinds of full body strength workouts listed on this site. Yes, some of them are crazy. You can pick the best ones that work for you!