YAH! Congrats!! You are hilarious to post that :)
I have wondered about this too! What would lifting heavy be? 10 lb weights? Also would it make you bulk up or can you get lean muscles?
Have a salad if anyone is so worried about bread intake. Subway is a healthier choice if made the right way. Jared did lose a lot of weight by eating subway with bread!
Hi! I do the dvd sometimes but wanted to do it for 30 days! Can't wait!
Thanks! :)
I understand what you are saying and I do completely agree with you. I eat enough and healthy foods, I do not starve myself and get in as much as nutrients, protein and carbs as I should. My exercises have been working for me so far but I want to change it up so my body doesn't get use to one or two things and I hit a…
so what exactly is your advice?
Thanks everyone!
Yes to lose weight! I want to lose 60 pounds! Thanks :)
You look amazing! I am just starting out my journey! I noticed we had the same goals! Im losing weight and I eat well, sometimes it says I am not eating enough calories but in reality I am not hungry I eat enough food to feel full and I never am starving myself. Has this happened to you and did it affect your weight loss?
I'm in university taking 7 courses this semester! It is challenging, would love to get some advice and make friends along this journey