The arm things kill me too! I keep trying to focus on doing the squat without falling over and forget my arms, and if I focus on my arms, I almost fall over cause I place my feet wrong during the squat... LOL So... I skip the arms.. LOL Just out of not wanting to fall! =D
So, I started last week on Tuesday... Skipped Wednesday - Friday. Wednesday because I was REALLY FREAKIN SORE! Thursday and Friday I was at work running around so I counted that as my exercise for those days. I'm a nurse, so when I say run, I mean walking at a really fast pace, unless there is a code or something! LOL…
Sounds like something yummy to have for dinner! =)
As promised, I started today! I took a few little breaks.. Bad me... I mean I kept moving, but some of that stuff was definitely breathtaking! This only means I really need to keep exercising to build up my strength and endurance and definitely my stamina in working out! =( I will keep it up though! Hopefully by Day 30, I…
I will start tomorrow/Today as it's 330am here.. LOL I will try to post daily here to keep motivated! =)
I say do some exercises that don't involve your back. If you have a back injury and aren't allowed to lift weights, don't. Sometimes, depending on the back problem, exercise could benefit you. Sometimes, even just walking around the block, if you can, is good enough. Try simple stretches as well. =) I do hear you on the…