not loosing weight

im hitting my target food chart everyday but still the scales stay te same any suggestions, i canot exercise as ive got a back problem


  • sailormoonchld
    I say do some exercises that don't involve your back. If you have a back injury and aren't allowed to lift weights, don't. Sometimes, depending on the back problem, exercise could benefit you. Sometimes, even just walking around the block, if you can, is good enough. Try simple stretches as well. =)

    I do hear you on the scales not moving much.. They were when I could follow my diet. I am doing a diet plan where you eat snacks/meals within 2-3 hours during the day to keep your metabolism going. In the first week I lost 2.5 pounds. Then I had to go back to work (I'm a nurse) and getting a break, if at all, is hard enough. So basically it was 4 hours in between each meal and I gained a pound back. =( You would think all the walking nurses do, they could lose weight if they wanted too without working out!

    But hopefully, we both reach our goals! Slowly but surely! Good luck to you! =)
  • amymckmuffin
    Do you have an indoor bike? I also have back problems and dont walk as an exercise because of it. But i find that using the bike doesnt hurt my back or put any strain on it. Plus you can do it in the privacy of your own home and watch tv while you exercise!
  • childofbodom123
    childofbodom123 Posts: 175 Member
    There could quite possibly be a number of reasons.

    I see you joined in January, the metabolism needs time to adjust to your new routine and exercise is usually the best way to speed things along, however since you can not do much exercise the initial process may take a little longer. If you stick to your goal within a month or so you will start losing your target weight loss each week with great ease. Do not be disheartened by the scales not being kind at the minute, a lot of people think cutting down on food and plenty of exercise is a sure way to lose weight however that is not strictly true. A balanced diet and training your body to eat less is a much more effective way to lose weight and keep weight off. Since you can not do much exercise you will need to work harder than most, I too can not do too much exercise due to back and leg injuries, however I have stuck to my food targets and a little after one year on my fitness pal I have lost 5 and a half stone so far and that is without gyms, painful exercise routines and so on. I go for walks most days, even just half an hour, it hurts a little bit but losing weight is not easy and does require a little grit and determination.
    You are doing well to keep to your target and if you continue this way, soon the pounds will drop and most importantly you will shrink your metabolism and keeping weight off will be much easier!

    Another thing to look out for is that whilst calories are a huge deal when losing weight, sometimes food that are low in calories can sneakily be high in fat and eating too much fat deffinately makes losing weight difficult. Do not just eat the "low fat" foods for everything as for a balanced diet you do need a level of fatty foods, but make sure that when you are under your calorie goal that your fat consumption is also in the green!

    Exercise will help your metabolism speed up and also to burn fat. Having a bad back can deffinately restrict what you can do but there is exercises you can do, for instance stationary bikes on the lowest setting and at a pace you are comfortable with will not hurt as much as other exercises. Swimming is another good workout and the strain is not as bad on the back. However if I were you I would consult my doctor first and they may well be able to give some good advice on exercises that will not hurt your back.

    Other things to consider. Make sure your scales are accurate, best way is to get a check up at the doctors and they will take an exact reading of your weight, then immediately go home and see how your scales match up. Secondly, always put your scales on a hard floor as that is the most accurate way to get a reading. Check your fitness pal stats, make sure your current height and weight is correct, if they are a tiny bit wrong it can effect results.

    Most importantly of all is be consistant with your food. If you have 5 or 6 days of sticking to your target then one "treat" day it will confuse your metabolism in these early stages and that can make your weight loss vary.

    Hope this helps, best of luck :-)
  • dawnygod
    im now on the move thankyou, it was my scales, the doc scales work better