

  • can you explain about how you extended the 5dpt?
  • I had the Fobi Pouch in 1999 I started at 275 got down to 189 and hovered there for a long time,, after 8 years it crept up to 235 so I got serious... got back down to 189 in 2010 but then, here I am in 2014 and found I was at 214. I have health issues, FSHD - a form of muscular dystrophy that keeps me from walking much, I…
  • Hi there.. I am a part time wheel chair user. I have muscular dystrophy and have very limited use of legs and arms and back and core muscles.. so believe me, I understand about how hard it is. I would suggest measuring a part of your body that you can get to easy.. maybe your wrists and upper arm. If you can measure your…
  • when in the mood for something sweet, I will get a diet 7up, add some cool whip to it and make me and ice cream soda... only about 40 calories if you use a LOT of whip... when in the mood for salty.. easy - high fiber crackers from fiber gourmet or popcorn. I measure out the weight for accurate calories and throw the rest…
  • If you plug in your goals and follow the suggested plan for food, you should meet your goal. Try to substitute greens for carbs, whenever possible and as mentioned stay away from cheese and fatty meats. Be sure to track your food and at the end of the day when you are finished tracking you will get that nice little reward,…
  • Thanks for the motivation.. I have now made my diary public for friends. I never knew that was an option (just joined). I was a WW person and liked the accountability, hated the new program and the $$$. so..if someone wants to friend me.. I am open, but like someone said. do not judge me for my choices ;~) I track food for…
  • I switched from WW to MFP too. I like being able to eat 10 calorie snacks if I want and not having to struggle with how many points it is. This program is much easier for me than WW. I had lost 20 pounds with WW in over a year until they changed programs.. then I gained back 8. I struggled with the same 5 pounds up and…
  • Yes I do count it as exercise. I use the stationary bike choice, since there is not an option. Some people do not, cause they figure it is just a part of regular daily life. I find that it is sometimes the only way I exercise (I am disabled). It also give me a bit more motivation if I am "not in the mood" LOL
  • Redondo Beach, (Greater Los Angeles) California