i need support and tips !

i really need to lose about 15lbs b4 June, my daughters wedding.. help !


  • jennieb87

    Do you prefer to workout at home or in a gym. I am a fan of the at home workout, and would recommed the biggest loser workouts. They are fun, motivating - a bit challenging, and they worked to get me started on my weight lost journey last year. If you prefer the gym, I would suggest mixing your cardio with strengh (lower and upper movement at the same time) and doing intervals - they are your key into burning the calories and loosing the weight.

    Also food intake, aparently loosing weight has to do with 70 % of what you eat, 20% of physical activity and 10% genetics....I think thats what it was...main point was watching the foods you consume lol.

    Some pointers that really worked for me for food wise:
    - I altered my carbs intake, and focused on veggies for carbs instead of an overload in breads.
    - veggies, veggies and more veggies!
    - I LOVE cheese, and found out the average person shouldnt have more then a slice or 2.... I could eat a whole block to myself! lol
    - drinking plenty of water
    - I refrained from eating any carbs past 6pm, and stuck to protein
    - I made sure if I ate carbs during the day I would mix it with protien(nuts, cheese, etc) so my body took longer to digest it.
    - I also got used to including alot of fiber in my diet.

    I am not sure if this is something your interested in, but I thought I would share some ideas. Good luck :)
  • dakiniverona
    If you plug in your goals and follow the suggested plan for food, you should meet your goal. Try to substitute greens for carbs, whenever possible and as mentioned stay away from cheese and fatty meats.

    Be sure to track your food and at the end of the day when you are finished tracking you will get that nice little reward, telling you what your weight will be in 5 weeks if you stay on plan (provided you stayed on goal).

    good luck
  • mom22qties
    Feel free to add me. I am more than happy to help. I love having the support and seeing everyone work so hard for their goals. It motivates me even more. You can do this and now we all can do it together. :)