helenrachel123 Member


  • thanks for this info as the more exercise I am doing the more weight I am gaining I have gained 8lb in the last 3 months and sometimes do about 18 exercise classes a week
  • has your dr recommended any supplements like fortijuice for you to get more calories but also more vitamins at the same time as your periods may have also stopped for other reasons such as iron deficiency etc not just low body weight
  • I am experiencing this too I have gained about 8lb in 3 months and have been exercising a lot more sometimes up to 18 classes a week yet my clothes still fit etc it is frustrating as the intention of exercising more was to lose weight
  • I would suggest going to the drs and getting a blood test done as I had a lot of muscle and joint pain and was advised that I was vitamin D deficient and given some prescrption strength tablets
  • Will you be doing this again in May? Have only just seen it today and its now nearly the end of April think a challenge like this may set me back on the track for starting to run again as since xmas day have done one outside 5k and about 3 treadmill ones
  • I have just started doing Insanity today and done my first class at the gym this morning am also wondering how to track cals for this class do I track it as aerobics or something else, thanks
  • I have just started using a sleep App on my phone it also has an alarm that wakes you gently during your lightest sleeping phase
  • well done on the one pound weight loss stick at it and you will get there better to lose it slowly and steadily as more chance of keeping it off then
  • Are you working out for the full 4 hours what type of exercises are you doing? Are you eating enough cals to fuel that amount of exercise?
  • I would not worry too much as it is normal to have delayed periods when doing lots of exercise and not a prob if they return once you stop. Why is your boyfriend mad at you as you are not doing anything to him or upsetting him in anyway by not having your period as it is your body and not his.
  • I can sympathise as I am getting major sugar cravings at the moment and am finding that I have been putting weight on also just found out that I am very anemic so not sure if this is why I am also craving sugar. I need to find the willpower to stay away from it as it is wrecking my diet. Any one got any ideas
  • You look fantastic and very slim and very nicely toned not bulky or muscley in any way keep up the great work, good motivation for those of us who have just started lifting weights, I have just started body pump recently and am really enjoying it, think people think that weight lifting will turn us females into the…
  • CONGRATULATIONS YOU LOOK FANTASTIC, thanks for posting this as I to have been getting very fed up of the scales as have been working out more but the scale has not been moving in fact the more strength training I have been doing in the form of body pump the scale has actually gone up so your post showed me that it is…
  • I used to get them when I was doing a lot of running and it was due to me over pronating when running, I had my running style assessed by a specialist at the running shop and also ended up seeing a podiatrist and now neutral trainers with special inersoles that were custom made in my running trainers they cost nearly as…
  • On the les mills side it says you can burn anywehre from 350 to 500+ calories doing the class, I have aired on the side of caution and as a 5ft 4in female usually log it as 300 calories but no that this is probably not accurate. Has anyone else also noticed that by doing body pump 2 to 3 times a week they are actually…
  • It is well worth giving it a go I try and do it about 2 or 3 times a week very good for stretching after doing other types of exercise such as body pump or running and also very good for toning, it is meant to be good for toning the waist and the core area due to the intercostal breathing, also good for the abs. Sometimes…
  • many thanks to the comments coach alison and wanna be sexy have made as they are very useful, am so pleased a friend recommended MFP to me as it is proving very useful, I hardly drink any water so maybe this is something that I need to do also the article was interesting to show just how much you need to eat to gain weight…
  • I am feeling very frustrated as well, as the more I have been exercising the more weight I seem to be gaining have gained half a stone since xmas and do not think that I am eating a lot more than normal although have been craving sugary foods and feeling as though I need to eat more sometimes and then feeling bad for…
  • Thank you for responding to my post that was a very interesting article did you find that your weight went back down again after a few weeks? The article was enlightening as I was trying to justify the weight gain by just simply thinking that muscle weighed more than fat, I am going to start body pump again this week.
  • Hi I am new to body pump and have noticed that since I have started doing it I have actually gained weight has this happened to anyone else, how many times a week would you recommend doing it for it to have an effect? Any advice would be appreciated.