Suggestion????????????? I am so dam fed up with it I am about to go beg my DR for weight loss pills


  • JillSkigirl
    JillSkigirl Posts: 6 Member
    One step, on minute at a time. You a worth it, you can do it, just take it a step at a time. Try changing just one thing for the next couple of days. Maybe..... walk 30 min each day or cut out soda (if you drink it). Do one little thing that can help you feel successful.
  • KMSForLife
    KMSForLife Posts: 577 Member
    In viewing your diary, it doesn't look like you're eating enough. Try eating the recommended calories that MFP gives you and see if it helps.
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,014 Member
    Hmm Ok I looked through your diary and I did notice two things...it seems you either don't log for some days or don't complete a day (that's just based on the fact that a day or two had 500 cals and nothing after lunch time logged) and that you eat under your calorie goal a lot.

    MFP has already calculated a calorie deficit into the number of cals given so maybe try to eat more and hit the number on the dot. It's ok to go over now and then. Continue to be mindful of the other macros being tracked but focus on the cals for now. Also, the days you work out try eating back some of those calories. It may just be that you're body needs more food.

    Definitely make sure you're drinking plenty of water and if you need suggestions about higher cal foods to help get you there, let me know :)

    PS...Diet pills do not work..they're temporary. You'll get this...just be patient and try different things out!
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Well it doesn't look like you're logging your food very consistently. Your diary is sporadic and sort of all over the place. Some days you (it appears) only eat one or two meals a day. Other days you eat full meals and drink a couple of alcoholic drinks as well.

    What is your exercise routine? If you're exercising a lot, it wouldn't appear that you're eating enough to cover your daily values in addition to your calories burned.

    You say you want to get healthy. Going to the Doctor to get diet pills is not a healthy way to lose weight (and unsustainable unless you want to take those pills forever). Why are you really doing this? I mean REALLY doing this? You need to be clear on your goals and motivations.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I have to agree with the others here. You're not really working your butt off to lose the weight if you're not completely committed to it. If you're going to use this site, do it religiously. Log everything you eat, every day. As long as you are able to get on a computer or have a cell phone, you are more than capable of logging your foods. Even if you have to guess, at least you are being held accountable for yourself. I also think you should probably be eating 200-400 calories more than you do on average, it looks like you're not getting enough food. I have to ask too, how long have you been exercising / counting calories?
  • What are you eating? What are you drinking? If you let me know a few things I can help you out - (cert. living foods coach)....there are a lot of tips for you!!
  • Crys32
    Crys32 Posts: 99 Member
    I know its hard, and especially when you think that you're doing something to change and then it doesn't. I've been there time and time again, and I've gave up a lot and did whatever I wanted to. But I'm back again. I've had to work out and eat right for a solid month before I lost even 1 pound. But it will happen, just stay dedicated! Good luck on your journey.
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Are you sure you have yor setting right for your normal daily activity?
  • I realize not logging consistently ... but I do exercise 5 days a week and eat at least 3 meals.... I know I need to log more consistent then you guys can look to see. I will for a week and then post again for it to be viewed.....
  • Robeypa1
    Robeypa1 Posts: 6 Member
    Don't do the weight loss pills...waste of money...hang in there, this is a lifestyle change that you should embrace and love, keep at it and don't stop, eventually things will happen, stay away from the scale, it takes perserverance and patience for the change, you didn't gain the weight overnight, and it will take about the same time to get it off. One step at a time.
  • Moderation is the key. You should be eating more food, in less quantity, more often. 5 or 6 times a day food should be going in your mouth!

    Get rid of the fast food, alcohol and sodas...as well as any processed foods you can do without. Try to eat less "diet" food, and more real, organic and raw foods!

    Good luck!
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    Just don't give up. I have times where I wonder what is going on. Try a step each day and keep up the faith.
  • helenrachel123
    helenrachel123 Posts: 22 Member
    I am feeling very frustrated as well, as the more I have been exercising the more weight I seem to be gaining have gained half a stone since xmas and do not think that I am eating a lot more than normal although have been craving sugary foods and feeling as though I need to eat more sometimes and then feeling bad for giving in and then thinking if gaining weight what is the point although since signing up to this it is telling me that I am undereating so wonder if this is why I am gaining and not losing weight, anyone else experienced this?
  • I realize not logging consistently ... but I do exercise 5 days a week and eat at least 3 meals.... I know I need to log more consistent then you guys can look to see. I will for a week and then post again for it to be viewed.....

    You have to log every day. Even if you are eating terrible - log - so you see the mistakes and what you can fix over time. Working out does nothing if you are not eating correctly. Working out is just icing on the cake. Weightloss is 70% diet, 20% exercise and 10% genes.

    You need to eat 5-6 meals a day that are smaller. Drink lots of water.

    Weight loss takes time. You should only lose 1lb a week really. In a month that means like 4-5lbs... and sometimes around your period you might b up 6 and then it appears you lost NOTHING - simply not true - this is why the scale is eh. I only weigh myself once a month the day after my period. this usually gives me an accurate reading. Just remember it does take time. I lost 20lbs in 5 months. It's small steps that lead to big results.

    Even the people on the biggest loser who work out 6 hours a day 7x a week sometimes lose 2lbs in a week. That's how it goes.

    Patience. Consistency. Repeat. That is success.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    I realize not logging consistently ... but I do exercise 5 days a week and eat at least 3 meals.... I know I need to log more consistent then you guys can look to see. I will for a week and then post again for it to be viewed.....

    Ever heard the phrase "You can't out exercise a bad diet"? It is very true. If you are eating more cals than you are burning (which seems to be the case) then you are not going to lose. MFP is designed so you can log EVERYTHING in order to hold yourself accountable.
  • You can do this. It took me awhile to see aaaaany kind of loss. Try eating back your exercise calories and change up your workouts.
  • Don't do the weight loss pills...waste of money...hang in there, this is a lifestyle change that you should embrace and love, keep at it and don't stop, eventually things will happen, stay away from the scale, it takes perserverance and patience for the change, you didn't gain the weight overnight, and it will take about the same time to get it off. One step at a time.

    Weightloss pills do nothing. Study shows you lose like 5lb more pounds in a year than someone who did not have a pill.
  • Hang in there. It does not always happen fast. Make sure you are eating healthy whole foods. Stop eating when you are full and avoid becoming so hungry that you eat the closest, maybe not so healthy, food around. It will happen hang in there. Also, are you doing any strength training? My metabolism has sped up because of the strength training I have been doing these last 4 months. It did not show right away, but I soon began to lose inches. You will get there. Don't give up!
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I wanted to come back and add too - it took over a month for me before I started seeing any significant weight loss. I know that for a lot of people that I've seen on this site, that is the opposite of the "norm". It seems most people tend to lose a lot of weight rather quickly at first, then it slows down for them. For me, I lost very little in the first 2 months, then it sped up. Maybe it will be the same for you, maybe your metabolism has just slowed down and it is going to take some time to speed it up to the point where you can start losing weight. Just wanted to add that thought because I too was very discouraged in the beginning and almost gave up. But it was actually my husband who told me about the slowed metabolism thing, and he kept urging me on to keep going. He told me once I got my metabolism going strong enough that I could eat pretty much whatever I wanted (within reason, obviously) and not gain weight so long as I continued my exercising and had a regular diet a majority of the time. I definitely believe he was right.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    Denise, how long have you been working towards your goal? I could only see a couple days worth of entries. Healthy change doesn't happen overnight! Eat enough to satiate your body's needs, and keep at it. Being healthy is a life long journey.

    Also, your profile was pretty vocal about reason to lose weight is"to be sexy so my guy will want me more :-( ". I would gently submit to you this is not the best motivation. Your value and self worth should never be wrapped up in random guy's opinions of your body. There is not lasting fulfliment or true joy in that.