
  • Salt and Vinegar Pringles!! I could eat a whole tube while watching a movie and still lick my lips looking around for more. They are definately on my banned list. It's really hard because my partner isn't on this lifestyle kick so he still gets his bad foods and I sit there watching him eat it and drool :( However, I've…
  • I always post on bad days. I once strayed and had a take-out chicken kiev and chips with gravy, and went 1,000 calories over my daily limit!! If I hadn't logged it, I would have underestimated the impact for sure. I just forgive myself and move on. I hope you can forgive yourself too xx
  • Gah! I'm the same, stress is my main problem, and I can never stop at 2 squares of chocolate!! Unfortunately I don't have any magic fix, but there is one thing that has worked for me. I always keep strawberries in the fridge, and when I'm craving chocolate I eat strawberries instead. I can eat a whole punnet and not feel…
  • THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOUR RESPONSES!! I'm still new to this whole lifestyle change thing and panicked when I thought I was doing something wrong without knowing it, I will absolutely be changing the settings. For everyone who is struggling to meet your protein goals, I can't really help you there, because there is…
  • Hehe, if only it was as easy as throwing some your way!! Thanks for the explanation. Even though the default says I am eating too much, from the general response on here, I don't think I'm eating enough to do kidney damage, and I have no history of kidney problems or anything like that. And I'm not lifting weights :happy:…