Any tips for controlling emotinal eating

Now that I'm actually starting to log what I eat I'm quite disgusted with myself :frown: , I eat far too much crap but I don't realise I'm doing it until after I've done it if that makes sense. If I'm feeliing a bit stressed or upset it's like I switch on to autopilot and reach for the naughty foods that provide brief comfort but leave me feeling s**t about myself afterwards.

Does anyone have any helpful tips about how to conquer emotional/comfort eating? Now I know what my problem is I'm determined to control it!


  • 290689
    Gah! I'm the same, stress is my main problem, and I can never stop at 2 squares of chocolate!! Unfortunately I don't have any magic fix, but there is one thing that has worked for me. I always keep strawberries in the fridge, and when I'm craving chocolate I eat strawberries instead. I can eat a whole punnet and not feel guilty! And they are the only thing I have found that is sweet enough to stop the choccie cravings.

    Best of luck with your goals, and I'm looking forward to hearing everyone else's ideas too

    xx Shell
  • MrsRabbit83
    MrsRabbit83 Posts: 11 Member
    I know, seriously who can only eat two squares of chocolate ha ha. That stuff is the ultimate comfort food for me, need to work on the self control with the chocolate.

    I love strawberries so I think I will give that a go instead, those and red grapes. I think I'm going to have to remove the temptations for a while.

    If only there was a magic fix that would be grand :happy:
  • JG1807
    JG1807 Posts: 40
    If chocolate is your thing then what about the low cal chocolate drinks or the non fat choccy desserts. I've bought some Shape Delight chocolate desserts. Really nice and only just over 100 cals for a pot.

    i like having bananas around as i find them really filling

    Other than that. I have the luxury of not having to cater for anyone else food wise so I ensure that I don't buy any of the crappy stuff that I am all too fond of.
  • MrsRabbit83
    MrsRabbit83 Posts: 11 Member
    I took both your advice today, had grapes and bananas, felt full and content. I just need to lay off the chocolate but its hard, that stuff is addictive! :ohwell: