amknapp82 Member


  • Baby boy due Dec 27th.
  • I LOVE my coffee black, but lately I have been adding 2 to 3 tblsp of Reddi Whip Fat Free Whipped Cream to my first a.m. cup and it is soooo delicious! I usually have a Caramel Drizzle Keurig K-cup with this and it tastes so good, for a total of about 12.5 Calories. It is a great little A.M. treat for me...
  • I also have hypothyroidism, was diagnosed about 9 years ago. I also have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, an auto-immune disease of the thyroid. I am also struggling with losing weight with a condition that makes it somewhat difficult.
  • I am learning too! Learning to be satisfied with smaller portions of all the yummy stuff!! Count all calories and be willing give up one favorite food a day for another. It's a trade off, and it gives you something to look forward to tomorrow. Plan it. If you want to have chips n salsa for an evening snack, have a little…