

  • I have been dieting and working out for two years, each time vowing it will be different i will commit. i lose a few pounds platou and gain it right back, plus some. My frineds and family though once encouraging feel like now im all talk, no action. Its not worth it to have to start all over again trust me, becuase you are…
    in I give up Comment by heidivan March 2009
  • I love beer, I switched to light brews, but gross. Anyways, i just decided in a few months it will be worth the wait. i like tot drink n weekends, but i just end up having to make up the extra calories during the week. Oftern time i end up "drinking" the calories i earn each day from working out. which usually comes out to…
  • I have used a ball. It is great, ven by just sitting on it while working or watching TV you are engaging core muscles. Using it for situps, and push ups are great starters. If you have hand weights and do chest work or arm work, try it while on the ball, sitting or laying with your shoulder blades on the ball and your body…