

  • I was going to the gym everyday then my other half had to have an operation and had some time at home so I had to come up with ways to work out at the flat instead. I must say I prefer it now as I work out early in the morning then get ready for work. I do INSANITY, Kettlercise DVDs and have a selection of kettlebells,…
  • I used one for a bit but felt it was over estimating my calorie burn. I emailed their technical help centre as it was saying I was burning loads of calories when I was in the car. I concluded that as BodyMedia is an American product it has been designed with them in mind. Think about it. They drive on the Right and mainly…
  • Have you tried Kettlercise which is a DVD series that uses Kettlebells? If you like the Jillian Michaels ones (which I do) but are getting a bit bored they're good as they are easy to follow and you tone up your muscles and burn fat. P.S I don't work for…
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