

  • i was given a juicer that a friend did not use. It was a black and decker entry level model. It worked well but juicing is expensive! I also felt like i was missing the good stuff - fiber and taste. I could drink a mango, kale and apple much faster than i owuld ever eat it so i was also worried about the calories. ask…
  • I miss cheese as if it were my best friend, that and ice cream. I had a vegan pizza at a restaurant with daiya cheese - no soy - no dairy - very deilicious. I haven't used it in my cooking yet.
  • I would love a fellow veganite on my side! Please add me if interested
  • I have been vegan for 5 months - gained 10 pounds initially! now with MFP I am slowly taking it off. Glad it went th eother way for you.
  • I researched it and apparently the claims it makes are unsubstantiated and false. I tried it too with no result. :)