Get a couple of Cookie sheets (tray), on the bottom one put down a couple of paper towels. Put the Tofu on the paper towels, put a layer of paper towels on top of the Tofu, then put the 2nd cookie sheet on top and put something heavy (cast iron pan ,,,=etc) on top of the cookie sheet. (i normally buy 4 bricks at a time so…
Looks good!
- Chicken Fajita's
from the weight watchers recipes ... i would pick the Asian meat balls on rice low cal .. eassy to make
some information i found that may help. Limiting your caloric intake through dieting can be a tricky business because your body naturally generates more ghrelin, the hunger hormone, when it thinks you're in danger of starvation. That kick-starts your appetite, which can then open up a Pandora's box of cravings. An…