scplummer Member


  • Hello. I'm starting again also. I lost 25 pounds last winter/spring but gained it all back plus 5 pounds. This site is great and it helped me before so I'm using it again. I just have to stay on change, not diet. I have 70 lbs to loose.
    in Hi Comment by scplummer January 2010
  • Girlfriend, this happens to me every month! Thankfully it comes right back off afterwards. Created by - Calorie Counter
  • Thanks! This will definately come in handy when I'm cooking a meal for the family! Created by - Free Food Diary
  • I have one............ you know you've lost weight when your daughter tells you that your stomach no longer folds in half and your belly button is back! :happy: Created by - Calorie Counter
  • I started my new way of life (not diet) 10 weeks ago. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Yes.........I feel like a pig because I'm having a really hard time eating my calories. I worked out on the elliptical for 45 minutes this morning which gave me a lot of extra calories to eat. I drank a protein shake 2 times today along with my regular 1200 calories. I'm testing the theory that you have to eat your…
  • I'm having a Blue Moon Honeymoon and it's an astonishing 162 calories......but so worth it! I've tried the MGD 64 and it's about the same as Coors Lite - very watery! If you like Coors Lite, you will like MGD 64 but those that REALLY LIKE beer, the Blue Moon White Ale or the Blue Moon Honeymoon is perfect on a hot day!…
  • baked cod, rice pilaf & asparagus and a fudgesicle for desert! Created by - Calorie Counter
  • I always live with this rule: anything with caffeine, carbonation or artificial sweeteners cannot be counted towards your water consumption. :drinker: Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Wow! That's great. You must be incredibly focused! Any secrets to your success that you could share? Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • are my top 5: 1. I want to look good naked 2. I want to be able to fit into regular size clothing 3. I want to be sexy again 4. I'm just sick of being fat 5. I'm sick of my 6 year old telling me I'm fat Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • You can use long grain white rice if you just can't stand brown rice. Just don't use instant rice or sushi rice etc... make sure it's long grain. Created by - Calorie Counter
    in Brown Rice Comment by scplummer May 2009
  • Yes, I splurged.......and paid the price by gaining 3 pounds. I just don't see how that's possible but it happened and now I'm paying the price. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • jambalya with shrimp, lite polska keibasa & edemame about 660 calories Created by - Free Calorie Counter