Hi my name is Jessica and we can be friends. :)
My most embarrasing moment was not too long ago. I went to a gym that had the bikes with the seats that had the backings on them and the part that you step one leg over to get on the seat was very high and at this time I have trouble getting my leg up that high. Well, as I was trying to get off of it I was hopping so I can…
Giants all the way!!!! because I don't like the Patriots and the Dallas Cowboys are not playing.
I'm in! I think that will help me not only for weight reason for financial too.
That looks really really good. I have been trying to find other ways to eat chicken. I love chicken but eating it the same way can some times be a bit boring.
I would be more than happy to be your cheerleader *\0/*
I have been bullied all of my life up until I reached to age of 21 myself. I remember all the names they called me. It was anything from porkchop to lard butt, you named it I was called it. I almost felt like I didn't have an identity anymore. I remember one time this one girl didn't like me at all just because I was a big…
I just recently started and I have really been enjoying the myfitnesspal. My starting weight right now is about 420 maybe 450 but I will be excited to lose more of this weight the more I make the right choices. Thanks to all of you, you are all an inspiration to me. :)