Try Fiber Sure. Its clear and can be added to ANYTHING! I put it in yogurt, breads or cookies I bake. It has no taste and will help with you getting the fiber you need!
I use 3lbs and I wanna die! My friend doesn't use any so if you don't wanna get new weights just go without for now!
You have to rent that one.
I always check out! Most of the recipes have nutrition info. I just did their crockpot chicken stroganoff with FF cream cheese and low fat soup and it was FABLOUS!
I think the idea is that spicey stuff will decrease your appeite. Try some spicey salsa and baked chips instead or have you ever tried the hot mix with the diffrent veggies? (Located by the pickles) I eat this kinda stuff between meals and it really help knock out hunger! Good Luck!