

  • Mine is supposed to arrive by 23rd at the latest! I'm going to add the 30 day shred to my normal workout (30 min on an aerobic interval on the treadmill, a cardio circuit for about 15 minutes, and then a 60 second plank). So i'm hoping that and eating right will make it go away and stay away! (: We can do this!! I…
  • that's understandable- you're a busy woman!! I have a 16 month old and go to nursing school, fulltime; i can kinda relate lol. It's just so hard to be exhausted and then be like "oh, btw body, you have to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes!" lol but we can do this!! matter of fact- i just ordered Jillian Michaels' 30 day…
  • You look great! What do you do? :happy:
  • You are not alone! I have also had my battles with going back and forth with will power/determination. But I've found that if i keep a physical JOURNAL, rather than an app on my iPhone- it's more demanding for me to write in. I would love to keep you on track, but only if you promise to keep me on track as well! (: My…