New to MFP and needing some motivation.

I am new to MFP and hoping to get some advice/ motivation here. I have lost and gained back in the past. I want to loose and keep it off obviously but I just don't have the motivation/ will power. I lost 20 lbs using the Slim in 6 dvd's. I don't know what it is about them, but I just can not stand to watch it another day.
Today, I ordered Jillian Michaels 30 day shred after reading all the wonderful reviews. I feel that since the workouts are only 20 min each I should be able to keep doing it (I hope). Also, If I have others to help keep me motivated each day I believe that will help a lot too. I am just worried because I always start off doing good and then something will happen (sickness or injury...etc) and then I just quit. Also I have a lot of trouble with the food. I admit I am a complete child when it comes to food. There are VERY few vegetables that I will eat. I just can not get the taste for them. Hopefully I will be able to find some good recipes on here though to help with that.
My goal is to loose at LEAST 30 lbs, but if I can loose more I wont be mad about it lol. So if there is anyone that would like to help each other out in our weight loss journey I am completely open to meeting new people so we can motivate each other to get to our goals.


  • hac2154
    hac2154 Posts: 5
    You are not alone! I have also had my battles with going back and forth with will power/determination. But I've found that if i keep a physical JOURNAL, rather than an app on my iPhone- it's more demanding for me to write in. I would love to keep you on track, but only if you promise to keep me on track as well! (:

    My problem with the food is that I can't keep fresh foods FRESH. they end up going bad because i don't eat enough of them before they go bad. If there was a way to buy half of the amount that you can buy in a supermarket, i would definitely do it! I find the easiest way to eat the veggies i don't like is to put them in a roast with your favorite meat! they seem to take the taste of the meat, and then you never even notice (:
  • ilvmykidz
    ilvmykidz Posts: 66
    You are not alone! I have also had my battles with going back and forth with will power/determination. But I've found that if i keep a physical JOURNAL, rather than an app on my iPhone- it's more demanding for me to write in. I would love to keep you on track, but only if you promise to keep me on track as well! (:

    My problem with the food is that I can't keep fresh foods FRESH. they end up going bad because i don't eat enough of them before they go bad. If there was a way to buy half of the amount that you can buy in a supermarket, i would definitely do it! I find the easiest way to eat the veggies i don't like is to put them in a roast with your favorite meat! they seem to take the taste of the meat, and then you never even notice (:

    I completely agree with that too! They always go bad too fast lol. But, I have done that with the roast and it does work I just assumed it wasn't healthy doing it that way. but as long as your eating them right? lol
    I will definitely try to keep you motivated too! I don't think I can do the journal thing though. I don't really have time to do any more writing. I have 3 kids (8yr old, 6 yr old and a 19 month old), boy scouts, baseball, and I am taking classes at night that give me 10-16 hours of homework a week so I know that I would never do that lol.
  • hac2154
    hac2154 Posts: 5
    that's understandable- you're a busy woman!! I have a 16 month old and go to nursing school, fulltime; i can kinda relate lol. It's just so hard to be exhausted and then be like "oh, btw body, you have to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes!" lol but we can do this!! matter of fact- i just ordered Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred dvd today! gonna start asap. I've seen a ton of posts with great results! I have Insanity, but it's true to it's title, INSANE. So i'm going to wait til i'm more fit to try that!

    I hope we can help eachother in this journey!
  • ilvmykidz
    ilvmykidz Posts: 66
    Awesome! so we can do it at the same time! I am expecting to get it between the 20th and the 23rd (hopefully the 20th lo) I also picked up the JM buns and thighs video today so maybe I can do that one every other day to boost it up a little : ). I hope we can do this too! I really want to finally just get in shape and STAY that way : ) let me know when yours arrives!
  • hac2154
    hac2154 Posts: 5
    Mine is supposed to arrive by 23rd at the latest! I'm going to add the 30 day shred to my normal workout (30 min on an aerobic interval on the treadmill, a cardio circuit for about 15 minutes, and then a 60 second plank). So i'm hoping that and eating right will make it go away and stay away! (:

    We can do this!! I considered getting JM's ripped in 30 for after i finish the 30 DS.
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    Lol I hate slim in 6 they drive me nuts. I have been doing Turbo fire and love it! I am looking for more incouraging friends as well. So feel free to add me.