acawle00 Member


  • Pilates!!! It has seriously changed my life!
  • Yes! Great thread! Im a bit taller at 5'6.5 but starting weight was 240 and im down to 159! Its been almost two years exactly since i started which was how long i had originally planned. It is going to take time, just stick with it. Healthy eating and exercise are key. If you can keep up with these you will see results! I…
  • Have you tried pilates? Not just mat pilates but real apparatus work? I still have a good bit of weight to lose but its been an amazing tool for me as far as changing my body. I will say that it does matter where you practice from. Make sure you go to reputable studio! Also, i would echo everyone else on eating more, at…
  • I thaw tilapia, sprinkle cavenders, broil on 475 for 6-7 minutes until it flakes, then sometimes squirt a little lemon juice on top
  • This is amazing!!!!! Everyone looks great! Wish I knew how to upload pics!!
  • You are very welcome!! You can do this. And I'm not sure how much you have to lose but for me the more I lose the easier it is for me to keep going!!
  • I'm a visual person. When I have a screw-it-everything-in-sight day, I set a motivational quote about not letting one bad day set you back as the background on my phone/iPad. As for daily motivation to keep me on track, I have multiple split screen shots of me at my smallest, heaviest, and current weight. Being able to…
  • My doctor suggested five cups of green tea per day to help with weightloss. I don't think the tea would do anything but help. As for the splenda, stay away!!!!!! go for the honey, just make sure to track it!! I also drink tea because the smell/taste of coffee is absolutely sickening.
  • I know how you feel but I saw this great quote and it has helped "don't reward yourself with food, you are not a dog" But clothes, thats the best reward for losing weight!
  • This was my suggestion. It's pricey but extremely filling. From what I can figure, and I may be wrong, humans have a hard time digesting the wheat and whatever they do to the sprouted grain bread makes it easier to digest
  • Why not do something other than the gym. Go for a bike ride or roller blading or hiking. Maybe join group exercise. I do taekwondo twice a week and just got a bicycle a little over a week and I've already been on four good rides. Excersicing doesn't have to involve the gym!
  • Okay, let me start off by saying I do not recommend this but since you are getting married this is what I did the month before my wedding...cut out the carbs. I'm saying like less than 25 g of carbs a day and no alcohol. I had the same problem in that I couldn't fit into my reception dress. I lost twenty pounds in one…
  • Greek yogurt-try it with a little bit of honey, that's the way the Greeks do it! Avocado-I like it on wraps with chicken, you can also make an alfredo type sauce with it and mix it with pasta Hummus-my favorite!!!! I buy it but my mom makes it, I like pita or naan dipped in it but sometimes I spread it on bread with turkey…
  • Green tea, I liked the flavored kind and do decaf for late at night!
  • Just curious how many calories are in this? I love it but didn't know how to track it. When I'm craving something sweet, I go for frozen cool whip, fiber one bar, or anything with nutella on it!
  • Might want to consider a gluten allergy/intolerance. Also, if you cut carbs out completely like on Atkins, you will gain and a lot when you go back to them. I lost about 20 pounds cutting out carbs the month before my wedding, then promptly gained 35 pounds over the 3 months after my wedding. I still eat carbs just not as…
  • Are you eating enough fiber? Also, how do you distribute your calories? I find that if I eat more in the morning (which ihas been a big change to how I used to eat), a decent lunch, and smaller dinner, then I'm not starving all night long. Also eating every three hours helps.
  • So happy to see this. I was just wondering the same thing! Perhaps MFP should update their app to reflect the difference between 'good' sugars from fruit and 'bad' sugars from candy, etc. Assuming this is possible!
  • My husband has had large dark stretch marks on his midsection since the day I met him six years ago and they have never faded. He is also incapable of tanning. They have never bothered me one single bit. Actually makes me feel more comfortable now that I have them too!
  • Also, I'd like to add something I just did. Using a photo editor app I did a side by side of me looking good about three years ago and one from about three months ago. The difference is incredible. I set it as my background on my iPad and I'm considering printing and taping it to the fridge/pantry.
  • I started at 231 back in January. Since then I've lost the same five pounds four or five times always getting excited about being under 230 only to end up back on the other side. After gaining a whopping six pounds while some friends were in town for a long weekend, I had had enough. Since they have left I lost all that i…
  • Green tea Milk Simply Apple Juice
  • Highest was 240 at 5'7", the same as my 6'4" husband and that was a month ago. I've been losing weight ever since, never again!
  • buy tea bags and brew it at aspartame there just natural tea leaves. add some natural honey if you need it to be sweetened
  • other addities in general. any man made chemicals that are in food.
  • my opinion...that stuff isn't natural. unnatural stuff that we eat has to have some affect on weight gain, hence the rise in obesity with the influx of this type of food over the past 50 years. try something like green tea. you can get a box of 20 tea bags for about 2 bucks. not only is it calorie free, fat free, carb…