lporter229 Member


  • This has made my day! Those photos just ooze sweetness. I think all parties involved got lucky on this one. Congrats!
  • Just to be clear, when you say "marathon" you are referring to 26.2 miles, right? I only ask because some people refer to shorter races as marathons, but a true marathon is 26.2 miles and is the distance all of these responses are referring to.
  • I've run the full three times and the half twice. All of the hills for the full are in the first half, which is nice, but I would not consider it to be a PR course. If you are looking for a PR course in that region, I would definitely recommend Columbus. I ran both my full and half PRs there. It is not as "fun" as the Pig,…
  • Cucumber slices and Kalamata olives dipped in Litehouse OPA greek yogurt ranch dressing.
  • Today it's a banana. Was supposed to be peanut butter and banana but I forgot that I finished the jar of PB that I keep at work. Doh. Most days it's cottage cheese and berries or Greek yogurt and berries or a Think Thin bar.
  • What an awesome gift! My passion is running! This is the final mile of the 2017 Boston Marathon.
  • As others have said, as long as you build up gradually, running high mileage and back to back days will not be an issue. More importantly than varying the terrain, however, is varying the speed of your runs. Recovery runs (i.e. slower than you want to run) are pretty important after speed work and your LSD run. The only…
  • I need to check this out. I am 48 and a long time distance runner. I am finding it harder and harder to recover form speed workouts and am wondering if I have reached a point where I should stop trying to improve my speed, but I am a very goal-oriented person, so this bothers me. Do you think this book would be helpful?
  • I am so glad to see some people running the Flying Pig! It was my first and one of my favorites. I have run it three times and also run the half twice. It's a fantastic race from start to finish with amazing crowd support. I hope you all enjoy the weekend as much as I do. Feel free to hit me up if you have any questions…
  • You may also want to look into doing some plyometric type exercises. It will help you increase the power in your legs, which should be very helpful for snowboarding.
  • Diced hard boiled egg, grape tomatoes and diced avocado with salt, pepper and vinegar (or lime juice). Yum.
  • Yep, when this happens to me I can usually trace it to an oncoming illness, lack of hydration or fatigue/lack of sleep, all of which are easy to happen at this time when everyone is busy and stressed out. My heart rate also gets very high if I recently had caffeine.
  • I love omelettes. I usually make them to help clean out the fridge at the end of my shopping cycle. Some favorite combos are: spinach, mushroom, tomatoes and feta cheese turkey and cheese topped with avacado and salsa (and maybe a dab of Greek yogurt) bacon and carmelized onion zucchini and anything...I love zucchini! Oh…
  • Exercise definition: Activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness.
  • I have a belclava that I purchased for this purpose, but frankly, unless temps are sub-zero I rarely use it because my breath turns icy on it and it is very uncomfortable. Instead I use a simple cotton buff around my neck that I can pull up and down as I need it. For example, running into the wind I might need it, but then…
  • Last night I baked a spaghetti squash with homemade Sun Sugar sun-dried tomatoes, Kalamata olives, artichokes, herbs and garlic sauteed in olive oil and topped it with feta cheese. So delicious.
  • I have run several sub 1:45 halfs where I have gone neck in neck with run/walkers. They pass me when they are running and I pass them back when they are walking, but we cross the finish line close to the same time. Personally, I find it hard to stop and start because I never get into a rhythm, but it seems to work for a…
  • Yesterday I went to the gym in the morning and did legs then took the dog for a 20 minute walk before work. Plan was to do 4 miles easy in the evening, but I decided to meet up with my running group and the planned route was a really hilly 6.7 miles, so I did that. Legs were toast by the end. This morning I had planned to…
  • Homemade French onion soup.
  • Seeking out a specialty running store is worth the effort if you are able to do it. If you absolutely can't, there are a few on-line shoe finders that can help. these are just two of many: https://www.roadrunnersports.com/rrs/product/shoe-dog.jsp?cm_mmc=vanity-_-shoedog-_-na-_-na…
  • I agree that good shoes are a must. Also, how often and far are you running? The most common reason that new runners get shin splints and other issues is that they are trying to do too much too soon. I would suggest starting off with a standard program like C25K and running no more than 3 times per week and not on…
  • I put a pound of boneless skinless breasts and a pound of boneless, skinless thighs in a crock pot with a jar of salsa and let it cook while I am at work. It shreds easily with a fork and is very versatile: on a salad with greek yogurt and salsa, in a tortilla as tacos, enchilladas, nachos or even just plain with a side of…
  • Does your school have a track? Stadium bleachers? You can download the C25K app and start running on the track after school or you can walk/run the stadium bleacher stairs. If not, is there someplace you can go after school before heading home that has stairs or a place to walk? Some people walk laps around the mall if you…
  • I am having a friend over for dinner and football tonight. I have a pork tenderloin marinating in a chipotle adobo marinade and I am also making roasted poblano buttermilk gravy, mashed sweet potatoes and corn. I'm pretty excited, but I have never made this exact dish before so I hope it turns out.
  • I am really glad that I found this thread. I am 47 and I think I am starting into peri-menopause. Instead of my periods stopping, however, I am getting them about every ten days. This is after many years of very regular periods. And the cramps are horrible. Also getting the night sweats, but I am not new to that since I…
  • I am very much in this same boat. I have tried in the past to run races for fun and forget about my time, but then I ultimately end up feeling lost without a goal. So I am trying a different approach of balancing the two. Thus my goals for next year: 1. Run Big Sur marathon without any regards to finish time. Enjoy the…
  • I never like to discourage anyone from achieving their goals, but I have to agree that, given your current level of ability, running a half marathon in under 2 hours is a pretty lofty goal. I only say that because trying to do too much in such a short period of time is likely to leave you with an injury that could keep you…
  • Depending what's on my salad, I like to use Greek yogurt mixed with salsa. But most of the time I make a homemade vinagrette with garlic, dijon mustard, a dab of honey, salt, pepper, red wine vinegar and olive oil. You can adjust the amount of olive oil or even add some water or juice to thin it out to the calorie count…
  • What type of workout are you doing? Do you have a plan when you work out or do you just wing it? I find that I can't stay focused, especially with strength training, unless I have a structured plan set out for me in advance.