

  • Now that one sounds great! LOVE nutella!
  • Great, what a great job! Doesn't it feel great? Thanks for sharing.
  • I have been going thru similar things. , Yesterday i was about to call it quits! I ended eating a very healthy burrito with 100 cal wrap, beans, chicken salsa and lettuce. I was so full I couldn't even eat the binge foods i went out and actually bought. I am proud to say I haven't eaten any of them today either! So if you…
  • Ha ha ha....when I read the topic I thought it said snacks....shows you where your mind is. Did you find what you needed? if just starting don't over do it. start like with 5 and add 1 a day. ESP if you have any physical limitations.
    in Crunches Comment by allieg1 August 2010
  • Nice to meet you! Both. And thanks for the replies. Look forward to getting to know you better. @ birdie - you look great! I started the 9th and am very frustrated that I haven't lost like everyone else on HCG. But I am hanging in there. I am determined.