aronao Member


  • I wear a sports bra with a tight crop top or tank over it. Even though I've had the "girls" downsized, I still find most sports bras, whilst they do reduce the bounce, don't actually stop the bounce.
  • Agree with PPs - plan some treat oods into your life so you don't feel deprived. Also, if you are suddenly overcome by the urge to consume a stack of pancakes outside your planned food, try these diversionary tactics - drink a glass of water, eat an apple (maybe even dip some apple slices into a tiny bit of honey or…
  • I agree with PP - recalculate TDEE with sedentary, for the time you can't exercise.
  • I know you might feel self conscious in bathers but pool based activities might be a good place to start, like aqua aerobics or as mentionwd, walking in the water. It should be much easier on your joints and muscles.
  • Hey I'm in Melbourne too! And I agree, it's comfort food weather. Try soups and stews - lots of veggies, meat, legumes, a bit of pasta or rice - or lean roasts with sweet potato or the Charisma low-gi potatoes (you can get them at Coles I think) or even a homemade pie (with pastry only at the top) or curries with a small…
  • Are you eating back your exercise calories? If not, your intake is only 1000+ and that's too low. Look up the threads here about TDEE and BMR and how to calculate a target caloric range that is appropriate for your height/weight/age etc.
  • Me too. I usually only have a coffee in the morning and maybe eat something late morning.
  • did the blood work include thyroid function tests? an underactive thyroid should be ruled out.
  • Yep. that's what I do. I do TDEE -25% so I have a little wiggle room if I go over :) It's confusing in MFP when I enter my exercise but it's the only place I'm tracking exercise so as you do, I keep TDEE in my head.
  • Mothers always says their kids look skinny when they lose weight. Your BMI is 23 which is ok, not unhealthy. I wouldnt worry about your mum's comments, she's not used to seeing you at a normal weight so she thinks it's skinny because she only has a larger you for comparison.
  • Skinny Cow ice-cream (usually the sundaes) - no sugar, about 110 cals/serve
  • Well done on your progress so far. It's so hard to change your internal image of yourself - keep your progress photos on the fridge so you have a daily reminder (find the best ever photo of yourself and put that up there too), find some old item of clothing that's too big and put it on so you can see that you are in fact…
  • 11lbs is a great start. You are not trapped in your body, you've just demonstrated you can change your body so keep going... don't sabotage yourself.
  • It would seem to me that although you think you're eating enough, you're not - because when you cut down the exercise but eat the same, essentially cutting down your calorie deficit, you lose weight. Maybe you do need to eat more when you exercise more.
  • Play music you enjoy whilst you exercise - it will help pass the time, especially if you're singing along ;)
  • Being able to enjoy my kids and keep up with them, being able to buy nice clothes, compliments from my friends...
  • Keep unhealthy snacks out of the house or work. Leave them in the supermarket :) Have lots of healthy things at hand like raw carrots, apples, nuts (although not too many), bananas, sugarfree chocolate, mini protein bars, boiled eggs. Ditch the white toast for brekkie and get a low-GI or whole-grain bread instead. Or trade…
  • Fair enough. I guess it is a sensitive issue for some people, especially when you've been the victim of gossiping and such by other people who are probably just jealous of your achievements. How unfortunate that some people have to be cruel unnecessarily. Good luck with your journey.
    in NSV Comment by aronao April 2013
  • Thanks for the support!
    in My NSVs Comment by aronao April 2013
  • There are some sweeter vegetables - I love raw carrots and the crunchiness is satisfying. You could also find some low-carb products - I have Atkins bars or sugar free chocolate or icecream for snacks at night.
  • Today, a colleague at work told me I'd lost weight. I said "Yes I have, thanks for noticing". Why be cryptic or mysterious about it? I want people to notice - losing weight is hard work and I think it says a lot (positive) about a person who can be disciplined to do it. I think when people notice you've lost weight, they…
    in NSV Comment by aronao April 2013
  • Hi OP Why don't you put the money you would spend on fast food into a jar to visually show you how much you can save? Then you could use that money for a personal trainer or a therapy session. Good on you for recognizing that you need to do something and starting on the path to your goal. I used a combination of MFP and…
  • Dear OP Don't let others sabotage your goals or your efforts. A simple "no thanks" should be enough, if these people care about you they should respect your answer. Other answers you could give them "no thanks, if I eat that now I'm going to have to run for an hour later", "my doctor told me if I don't lose weight I'm…
  • Not all takeout is processed. The pizza you mention probably has a dough made from scratch, plus some fresh toppings. Asian food like a stirfry tento be made from fresh ingredients too. Things like McDondalds have prepackaged processed ingredients.
  • When I was a junior doc, I rarely got time for a break, or if I did get a break, my pager would always go off in the middle of it. We used to get meal vouchers if we worked over 10hours so I would eat lots of junk from the cafeteria for free. Let's just say, I gained weight. food was something you ate on the journey…
  • Water's taste comes from the salt and minerals in it which is why water tastes different in different places. Our drinking water here (Melbourne, Australia) is excellent and clean but I'm not a fan of the taste. I usually have filtered or bottled water with ice, and even then, I don't drink a lot. I found that fresh mint…
  • In the yoga classes at our gym there are people of all ages and sizes. So don't worry about what anyone else thinks. It's none of their business.
  • This used to happen to me too but doesn't anymore for some reason. I'm not sure what you can do - I say use a nasal spray before exercise but nasal sprays can cause rebound rhinitis if used regularly.
  • Maybe you can put an insole inside your running shoes so you have the right length but the fit would be a bit more snug. Also wear thick socks for some extra padding.