

  • First, you need to know that your family members coming down on you is because of one reason. They’re jealous. They’re jealous because YOU took the initiative to lose weight, eat healthier and pushing for a healthier, fresher life. You’re not being lazy like them. You actually care for your health and future. So when they…
  • For me, it’s three things: -Having a brother who has been for the last 10 years of my life be 500lbs or more (currently 615lbs and is losing weight so he can undergo gastric bypass) has kept me from living an unhealthy lifestyle. . -My parents. They’re not obese but they’re not in shape and they’re paying for it medically.…
  • I'm 5'8 and weight 175 at one point. Naturally, I was drinking coke and eating nothing but junk food, sugary foods etc.