millers617 Member


  • I am not sure if this is what you are dealing with, but I also had twins which caused my abdominals to split (Diastasis recti) about three fingers wide at my belly button. Doing any sort of crunches will make the split worse. Any core work should focus on transverse abdominals. When I lie on my back and lift up at my…
  • When you are in a public place and smell poop. So you immediately take one 18 month old twin, lift them up, turn their butt towards you, then lift them towards heaven so you can smell their butt. Realize it is not that kid, and repeat with the other twin. Then immediately loudly state, "Yep, this one crapped!"
  • Our family loves 1%
  • WHAT SHE SAID!! I started 5 weeks ago, 2-3X/week and running on the other days. I almost look like a new person!
  • For me it was all mental. I knew I needed to get over the fact that I wasn't immediately going to come out of the gate doing 40 minutes running on the elliptical. I was once athletic, so you immediately want to be a superstar. So, I just started off doing 7 minutes, until I could go 10, until I could go 15, then quickly…
  • 32 Edit, Vikki that was not to you! My page wasn't refreshed!
  • I second the PCOS, I was tested for thyroid issues from age 18-28 many times for the same symptoms. It wasn't until obgyn suggested doing a sono of my overies, that it was discovered I had PCOS. No one thought to test this because I wasn't overweight ...
  • I started lifting in 8th grade. I was similar to your daughter, I was 5'3 and was a size 0 then. In high school I lifted 3 days a week outside of sports and gained 8 pounds of muscle and was a size 2. NO belly, all toned muscle, I long for those toned arms :) Maybe I can dig out a picture for you to show her :) I loved…
  • The first week I started the 30 day shred, I gained 2 pounds in water weight. I was SORE!!
  • Exact same for me, I suffered years before going to the chiropractor. Finally went and it is the only thing that helps quickly. Also ice not heat, ibuprofen, and continuous ab work to strengthen your core!!
  • Definitely DON'T do that. Who wants to be skinny fat and eat all processed CRAP? Start strength training to gain muscle and eat more protein. Under my goals, you can chose lose weight OR add weight. You can get a lot of advice in the message boards. Also look at the book, New Rules of Weightlifing for Women. I am not…
  • I think you are my long lost twin ;)
  • You have inspired me to keep trying to gain muscle!! A toned body is a beautiful body. I DON'T want to be "skinny fat" because that does not look good naked or in a swimsuit! I am slow at seeing muscle gain (I lift heavy) and some days think I do all this work and barely see improvement. You encouraged me today to keep at…
  • Exact same here, he uses two different weights. And my husband yells at Jillian too especially during the punches! He also uses the girl that doesn't do the modified as a guide.
  • YESSSSSSSSSSS! I'm am small too, so even pulling off 30 pound weights and taking it over to a rack isn't easy! I actually had to leave my gym work because a bench had 45s on it and there was no way I was going to get it from the bench to the rack with those, so I had to leave without finishing my workout because no one was…
  • Thanks Stephanie! I am excited to be where I am, it is just hard when you remember your "old self"! HA!
  • I just turned 30 y/o, 5'3 and had twins 16 months ago! SW: After twins were born ~145/150 CW: 130 GW: 122 I eat 1400 calories/day and eat back some calories if I am hungry. Run 3X week, 30 Day Shred 2X week, Heavy weights 3X week with one day off. I have been stuck at 130 for weeks and it is ticking me off!
  • My husband and I are also doing the 30 day shred and LOVE it. I love that it has basic moves, but effective. We actually are working towards running a 5k, so we do 3 days of jogging and 2-3 days of the 30 day shred. I also lift weights over lunch for 20 minutes. If I wasn't training for a 5k, I would do the 30 day shred 5…