rgchildress Member


  • I usually run about 5 days a week I do this in the evening, after work. I do strength training/ circuit training in the morning. I usually pull my exercises for the morning from a website call tone and tighten
  • It looks like you have a carb heavy diet, and yes the sodium will slow your weigh loss down. Try limiting your bread/grains/ potatoes to just once a day. For example if you eat cereal in the morning make sure it is a high fiber/ high protein cereal and lay off the sandwich at lunch and the potato at dinner.
  • I too need something fast in the mornings. I usually eat a small apple (like Gala) . I cut into 4 quarters and cut out the core then i just top it with peanut butter usually I divide around 1 tbsp between the 4 sections. Sometimes I eat a fruit on the bottom greek yogurt. instead,or if i don't have breads planned in any…
  • Yes I make a weekly meal plan based on our schedules for the week and most days I can stick too. Sometimes though I have to switch out days and once in a while it might even be fast food. I have really been working to lower my grocery bill and I have found that making a meal plan helps me to spend less.Most of the time i…