

  • Everyone I know does JUST THAT! If you earn it, you can eat it!!
  • have you tried Zumba or any other fun dance DVD's that focus on abs? I love them. I'm old, but my daughter is young, and she has lost several inches off of her waist JUST DOING zumba and inputting her calories on here. I've lost 9 pounds and 1.5 inches off my waist in 35 days eating 1200-1300 calories/day and doing Zumba,…
  • I'm 5'2", 51 years old, and my goal weight is 115. About 7 years ago, I got down to 127 (could KICK myself hard for stopping there) while doing Weight Watchers and home DVDs. Didn't want to pay anymore, so I quit going - and as soon as I wasn't accountable to anyone, the weight crept back on. I was ok with myself at 127,.…