

  • i do have this workout, you may have motivated me to try it again. I think i bought it last spring and did it a few times. I usually either run outside or hit the gym. I will make it my goal to do a workout from this video in the next week. can't do the full shcedule though cause i already have my other routine.
  • yaaa sounds like a good challenge, i'm in!!! insanity has made me realize i can do them haha
  • you can google vegan recipes and you will find hundreds of them. Also youtube has a lot on it. I became vegan 2 years ago and pretty much everything you make with meat you can do without meat or dairy. it's just a matter of getting used to some of the new ingredients you will encounter. health food stores are a good…
  • that is very difficult and i can partly understand, i don't have children but i do work shift work nights and days. Sometimes when i am stressed i turn to food, however i have realized there are many more healthy options which if you substitute during those "i have to have a snack now" times it may help. I agree with the…
  • yes they have amazing health benefits. i sometimes just add them to my oatmeal or if i make muffins i will add some in. but the best recipe so far which i highly recommend is to make jam with it. sounds strange but when you let chia seeds sit in water they will jelly. 1/2 tbsp chia seeds 2 oz water 8 frozen strawberries,…
  • i am also new to this site and i love it! my main goal is to lose 10 lbs but 15 would be better :) I'm 34 so it seems a lot harder to get those extra pounds off haha
  • insanity works, maybe just don't do the pushups, you will still get a killer workout. I skip all the jumping jacks because it hurts my knee and instead i just run on the spot. Also yoga will help to make your muscles long and lean.