pennysuede Member


  • Thanks guys. I will try those suggestions.. :)
  • So I have tried it all like most of you. I have lost with everything I have tried, but the thing that seems to be working best for me is low carb diet. I have lost half the weight I wanted doing that. BUT, on the weekends I will have normal meals in the right proportion, and even allow myself maybe ONE treat, as well in…
    in Carbs Comment by pennysuede October 2015
  • Yep. Trying to keep it under 20 carbs a day for now.
    in HELP Comment by pennysuede October 2015
  • OMG you guys are awesome. Thank you so much everyone. I am doing the no carb diet and the above concreted my decision. Thank you all! I have been on this board for years, and this is my first post.
    in HELP Comment by pennysuede October 2015
  • [quote=What's the treat? Talking about it might remind you why you'd be more excited for that than some random donut.[/quote] Actually I dont know yet, but brilliant! I will start thinking now. I think that will help! Thanks everyone :) - I did the quote wrong.. but you all get the idea what I was trying to do.. lol
    in HELP Comment by pennysuede October 2015
  • Thanks so much for your words guys. So far I havent touched them. There are still quite a few left, so I am hoping to stay strong so I can do my treat for the week during the football game on Sunday. :)
    in HELP Comment by pennysuede October 2015
  • I think that is great! you can do it! You absolutely can do it. You have already come up with what most people do not. A plan! Keep us updated and good luck. We will be cheering you along!