Sorry if this isnt the right board to post this in, but I have lost half my goal weight (my starting weight in my stats is wrong). Anyway, my work brought in Krispy Kreme donuts this morning, which happens to be my #1 weakness. Any awesome words of helping me would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!!!


  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
    Just have 1 only 1 though.
  • tdspencer315
    tdspencer315 Posts: 6 Member
    Take a look at yourself in the future and visualize what you want to look and feel. Is it worth the temptation?
    If you are a person that can have one do it as your treat of the week, but if not then stay strong!!
  • pennysuede
    pennysuede Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks so much for your words guys. So far I havent touched them. There are still quite a few left, so I am hoping to stay strong so I can do my treat for the week during the football game on Sunday. :)
  • pennysuede
    pennysuede Posts: 11 Member
    edited October 2015
    [quote=What's the treat? Talking about it might remind you why you'd be more excited for that than some random donut.[/quote]

    Actually I dont know yet, but brilliant! I will start thinking now. I think that will help! Thanks everyone :) - I did the quote wrong.. but you all get the idea what I was trying to do.. lol
  • holly_roman
    holly_roman Posts: 116 Member
    I like to encourage others at work to eat them quickly. Someone brought brownies in yesterday at my work and I kept telling everyone they were there and should eat them...waited until there was one left so I could have one. That way I had no choice but to have only 1.
  • ColinsMommaOC
    ColinsMommaOC Posts: 296 Member
    Whenever I think I might want something someone else has brought in, I look up the calories, and determine if its worth whatever else I had planned that I will need to not eat.
  • pennysuede
    pennysuede Posts: 11 Member
    OMG you guys are awesome. Thank you so much everyone. I am doing the no carb diet and the above concreted my decision. Thank you all! I have been on this board for years, and this is my first post.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    pennysuede wrote: »
    OMG you guys are awesome. Thank you so much everyone. I am doing the no carb diet and the above concreted my decision. Thank you all! I have been on this board for years, and this is my first post.

    The calories of a KK glazed donut aren't that bad but if you're looking to keep carbs low (there's no such thing as a NO carb diet, of course) anything sugary is going to be something to avoid. :smile:
  • pennysuede
    pennysuede Posts: 11 Member
    Yep. Trying to keep it under 20 carbs a day for now.