Because I am doing this for me and not for anyone else .................if I want someones advice or opinion, I will ask on the message boards.......
200...with 114 remaining...thats fairly high for me though
I have said this a million billion times.....Listen to your body, it will tell you what you need to know.....we are all different, I adjust my workout plans and food consumption to allow me to not deprive myself of anything......deprivation is the fastest way to quitting.......mix it up a bit....stay healthy, but don't…
This....and I plan for my indulgence in advance by cutting back somewhere else during the day or adjusting my workout routine
my wife and I surf the web looking for new ideas...we also try and adapt our "regular" recipes by replacing ingredients with no fat, low fat low calorie....this web page is pretty cool and we have founds a lot of tasty recipes:
of course a pound of anything equals a pound of anything properly analyze the statement " muscle weighs more than fat " you would need to weigh say ...6 cubic inches of Fat and 6 cubic inches of muscle
I cut back alot, but not completly...I am still losing weight so I guess it's all son recently got married....I went to the gym the morning of the wedding.......I got my work out in........ate helathy at the wedding even avoiding the cake and deserts......but I did raise more than a few with freinds and family…
boneless skinless chicken breast, dipped in egg whites and rolled in a dry mix of crushd special k, garlic powder, onion powder and black pepper. plcae on baking sheet and put it in the oven till done by temperature. very moist and full of flavor, you play around with the spices since they are no fat low calorie anyway.
"Jimmy got new shoes...they help Jimmy jump hire." "Jimmy likes Elaine."
I'mmmm OUT!
Right on Brother!
No, but I tend to be a real tool when someone else is showing their *kitten* and I would have probably said something like " Yes I am going ot eat it, and if you ate some of this stuff you might not look the way you do." I know...not very nice.
be yourself - only better
Mumford and sons - Little lion man Young the Giant - My Body Young the Giant - Cough Syrup Emigrate - New World Sick Puppies - War
- or
Maybe a cruise or a trip to Scotland
Philly cheese steak with sauces onions mushrooms and a six pack of Coal Porter!
I personaly do 2 hours of cardio 4 times a week the other 3 days I do 1 hour of cardio....I also do strength training 5 times a week...that being said I believe the fear is that to much cardio causes you to "burn muscle" as long as you are doing your strength training 3 days a week I would say you are fine.....marathon…
<Army here....but not for long staring retirement in the face LOL
People who correct my Grammar.......
My wife and I both quit nearly a year ago...we did gain a weight which is why we are here, but it has been well worth it....we used nicoderm and for motivation, we opened a seperate bank account and what ever we would have spent monthly for cigarettes we put in the bank....we still do that part, it's amazing how much we…
My wife and I have the same issues, we both went to the Doc and were reffered out to a podiatrist.......for us it was heel spurs.......couple of orthodics and we were back in buisness.
Are you talking about a daily or semi daily workout run or a race of some sort (5k, etc)? How far are you running and what time of day?
I remember when I could eat anything I wanted and as much as I wanted and not gain an ounce I remember when My relatives told me don't worry someday it will catch up to you I remeber when it did
Tilapia is a fresh water Fish similar to a bass or sunfish usually found in a tropical climate...very miled fish
if you don;t like fish but want to try and find away to fit it into your diet, try going with any white fish, Flounder, Pollock, Haddock etc. then are a lot less fishy tasting and smelling and can be prepared in so many ways your head will spin.,. A fovortie of mine is Almond crusted Flounder...hope this helps...
What wrong with my Kilt??
I owuld say it is time to see a Personal Trainer, Nutrionist or your family Doc for some advice about your eating habits and your metabolism.