

  • The more muscle you have the more you can eat! Yes, you can burn fat and build muscle at the same time, NPC bikini and fitness competitors do it all the time. I suggest you check out some of the amateurs of the week on They will display not only their journey to becoming fit, but also their complete diet…
  • I was curious how your back is doing? I have had scoliosis since I was a teen and it recently noticed a lot more back pain so I went to not one, but in the end, 4 diff docs. I have a significant bend now, went from 5'7 to 5'6 1/4 in height, I have degenerative disc disease, osteopenia, and arthritis in my spine and hip and…
  • Go to and check out the diets from some of the amateurs of the week. From that site I've learned alot about portion sizes, how often to eat and what to eat, as well as workouts. I eat about every 3 hrs and my favorite top three snacks are: 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese with cherry tomatoes, 3 oz of fage…
  • I've been lifting for 25 years and I like a combination of the two. Both seem to hit the muscles differently. For weight lost and muscle maintenance I like lifting heavy 2x a week and other two days with lighter weights, higher reps, and more plyos.