kyrubas Member


  • If it's not getting your heart rate up or causing you to exert any effort, then simply put the machine is exerting all of the energy and you're not expending any energy and thus there will not be a calorie deficit. If there is not a calorie deficit then the machine is not contributing towards weight loss.
  • I've taken to doing 4 days on, 1 day off which comes out to being just under 6 days a week on average. Before I was doing 6 on 1 off and that was a bit too much. I find that sometimes when I'm unable to do my routine for a couple of days in a row for whatever reason, that I'm able to go at a higher intensity on my next…
  • Also, try this article as well.
  • This might be of interewst What I do is I work myself up in stages to go to the gym while only half thinking about it in the evening. I'll put on my gym shorts and do something relaxing, a little later I'll put on my gym shirt, then do something else around the…