No Country for Old Men
good luck with your sugarless quest. however, knowing i can't have something makes me want it all the more. :devil:
If you have not already done so, I recommend bingeing on The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Dexter, House of Cards, and Sons of Anarchy and Orange is the New Black. First Season of American Horror Story was good but I didn't make it past the second episode of Season Two.. it's just too perverted for my taste. First 2 seasons…
Since there are no Tim Horton's around here, I drink homemade, McDonald's, Flash Foods, or Starbucks. My cappuccino maker died I can't fix homemade lattes at present :sad:
Carl needs his butt spanked
Hang in there friend! You are finally taking care of yourself and your heart, liver, lungs, joints thank you :)
Yes. Too much protein taxes the kidneys.
VS Soft and dreamy
Irish Spring body wash
count me in
one whole egg plus one white
fruit, yogurt, Kind bars
why don't you two have sex? that's crazy
the one with the pink top over the black/white stripe top is my fave
Instead of internalizing it, stand up for yourself! If your niece can dish it, she can take it. Ask her why she smells so bad or looks so goofy LOL. You will be smiling instead of crying the remainder of your weekend.
i don't weigh
For me it's between Elf, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, A Christmas Story, and It's a Wonderful Life..Dont make me choose :smile:
Eat a couple of bites...just enough to get the taste on your tongue
one is never enough
That's a tough one. If invited to their home for burgers, eat the burger, not the bun. Don't have fries or dessert but a few chips or baked beans.
Coffee in the morning and chocolate in the evening
I am definintely going to make this one. Thank you!!!
2 celery stalks and 1/2 ruby red grapefruit
Wonderful! I am proud for you :)
strong back