

  • SW London Currently at 174lbs want to get to 140! I run 3 times a week :)
  • Thanks that sounds amazing congratulations! I was 189 when I started! I'm chuffed to have gotten to a size 12 but I'm reluctant to put anything back on. It's just not an option!!! So I don't want to go back to bad eating habits eating whatever I want. I will increase my calorie intake though and see if this helps! Thanks…
  • Feel free to add me I started 8 weeks ago have lost 7lbs and need/give support! Never been a big fitness person until I found running now I'll never look back. Logging into here eveyday helps too!
  • I never ran before I started my diet/fitness hype 8weeks ago. This week I ran a continuos 7K! I did the couch to 5K app which gets you training in intervals and slowly builds it up for you. Having someone tell you when to run and when to walk really helped me with the discipline I needed to keep at it. It always seems like…
  • Yeah I wrote this post, it's my first and after about 5 minutes of exploring the forums I found so many people the same as me!! So sorry about that guys but thanks for all your help! I didn't realise I needed to eat back the calories I've burnt to get back up to 1200 I thought it was all about the overall total not the net…
  • Thanks so much! I wish you all the luck in the world with your progress too!!!
  • Amazing progress, congratulations!! I have similar goals! Especially to wear a 2 piece on my holiday in December! I started my journey 8weeks ago I'm now 174lbs so still a way to go until bikini ready! Any tips/secrets to your success?
  • Thanks everyone! Some sound advice. How do I work out how many calories I should be eating for my activity rate though??