Stuck at 174lbs!


About 8weeks ago I vowed to get fit and loose weight, I was really unhappy with my body.

I started a 5k running app as I had never been a runner before and I'm now running at least 5K every other day! My calorie intake is down to 1200 and I'm drinking lots of water perhaps not as much as I should everyday but for the most part a lot! The weight was falling off which spurred me on to keep going and pushing my running. However now I seem to be drifting between 172 and 174lbs I can't seem to get down any further and I can't see any more changes in my appearance. I'm no where near where I want to be and yet it now all seems to have come to a stop which is giving my motivation a real kick in the teeth!

PLEASE! I need help!!! Or at least reassurance that if I persevere the weight will start to go again!


  • emilycarr71404
    emilycarr71404 Posts: 176 Member
    I would love to be stuck at 174! But that is only because I am 41 pounds heavier than you right now.

    All joking aside, let me say this. You could give up. You could give up and let more weight come back on. You could let the doubt and discouragement roll onto your shoulders. You could give up good health and strength. You could do all these things.

    But as a powerful woman you will remember how great it feels to be healthy, you will know you are doing good for your body and health by carrying on. You will begin to see changes little by little. Best of all you will reach your goal if you keep taking care of yourself.

    Keep going girl! There's a healthy body at the end of the rainbow.
  • lorid220
    lorid220 Posts: 14
    Sounds like you have plateaued; your body has adjusted to your routine. Try shaking up your running routine: incorporate short sprints into your run, uphill runs, etc. Also, consider strength training to help shed fat and tone muscles.

    Good luck.
  • bannedword
    bannedword Posts: 299 Member
    You need to eat more.
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 929 Member
    Yes, eat more.
  • awebs89
    awebs89 Posts: 53 Member
    I've been there before. I would say to add some strength training to your running. You could do every other day running and strength. Also, try upping your calorie intake as well, try adding about 150 then see how you do. Make sure your getting protein and eating back exercise calories.
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    You've plateaued that is all. Be patient, keep up the good work, and just for fun change your routine a little. Very big accomplishment on your running, throw a little strength training in the mix.
  • petechiae
    petechiae Posts: 147 Member
    Probably too much exercise for too little food.
    Figure out how much you are supposed to eat, change your exercise routine. You can do this.
    It's not something that will happen overnight... it's a process. It takes time.
  • unhgoose
    unhgoose Posts: 122 Member
    I'd eat some more healthy clean snacks and mix it up by adding in some strength training.
  • Thanks everyone! Some sound advice. How do I work out how many calories I should be eating for my activity rate though??
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Try re-feeding yourself to your maintenance calories for a few days. You will most likely see the scale go up while you do it but it will come right back down fairly easily and should break through the plateau.
  • misifer
    misifer Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks everyone! Some sound advice. How do I work out how many calories I should be eating for my activity rate though??

    If you are logging your running as exercise here on MFP, then eat back your exercise calories. MFP has already taken the deficit that you need to lose weight, so even if you eat every single exercise calorie back, you are still eating at a deficit!
  • buffywhitney
    buffywhitney Posts: 172 Member
    . I'm in a similar place. Wouldn't it be nice to hear somebody say "Here's what I did and this is how long it look to start losing again..."
    I know everybody is different but can I get a testimony? Anybody?
    I think MFP members are just tired of this question as it is asked often.
  • Shannonpurple
    Shannonpurple Posts: 268 Member
    PUSH UP and squats. and make sure you log everything
  • I would love to be stuck at 174! But that is only because I am 41 pounds heavier than you right now.

    All joking aside, let me say this. You could give up. You could give up and let more weight come back on. You could let the doubt and discouragement roll onto your shoulders. You could give up good health and strength. You could do all these things.

    But as a powerful woman you will remember how great it feels to be healthy, you will know you are doing good for your body and health by carrying on. You will begin to see changes little by little. Best of all you will reach your goal if you keep taking care of yourself.

    Keep going girl! There's a healthy body at the end of the rainbow.

    Thanks so much! I wish you all the luck in the world with your progress too!!!
  • . I'm in a similar place. Wouldn't it be nice to hear somebody say "Here's what I did and this is how long it look to start losing again..."
    I know everybody is different but can I get a testimony? Anybody?
    I think MFP members are just tired of this question as it is asked often.

    Yeah I wrote this post, it's my first and after about 5 minutes of exploring the forums I found so many people the same as me!! So sorry about that guys but thanks for all your help!

    I didn't realise I needed to eat back the calories I've burnt to get back up to 1200 I thought it was all about the overall total not the net total after workout.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member

    About 8weeks ago I vowed to get fit and loose weight, I was really unhappy with my body.

    I started a 5k running app as I had never been a runner before and I'm now running at least 5K every other day! My calorie intake is down to 1200 and I'm drinking lots of water perhaps not as much as I should everyday but for the most part a lot! The weight was falling off which spurred me on to keep going and pushing my running. However now I seem to be drifting between 172 and 174lbs I can't seem to get down any further and I can't see any more changes in my appearance. I'm no where near where I want to be and yet it now all seems to have come to a stop which is giving my motivation a real kick in the teeth!

    PLEASE! I need help!!! Or at least reassurance that if I persevere the weight will start to go again!

    1200 calories on running days are too low. My doctor said eat at least 1500 calories on running days. I'd try giving your body a break and eating more (more than the 1500). You won't lose any weight while you are doing this and you may gain some back, but it resets you. Also, eating a "range" of calories has worked for me. When I eat between 1200 and 1700 a day, and 1900 on "cheat days" depending on workout regimen and appetite, etc. It helps my metabolism. PLUS when you are on hyper drive with the dieting, a slow down seems like a standstill because everything is so rushed and dramatic - this is not a criticism, it is something that I have experienced. Be happy with your accomplishments so far and accept that after the initial dramatic weight loss, you have to change things up and slow down. This WILL keep you going and keep the weight OFF, which is a harder accomplishment than taking it off.
  • TiredOfMyself
    TiredOfMyself Posts: 28 Member
    Up your calories by at least 100, I was stuck in the 170s, and that's what fixed me, :).
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Also, I can answer your question. I lost seven more pounds this summer, stopped counting all together for two weeks and ate what I wanted, gaining it all back. Then I went back to counting and the scale went back down IN FIVE DAYS! I expect to be able to lose the last three summer pounds now relatively easy. It's taken me two plus years to lose the weight. At the doctors 1 1/2 year ago, I was 190. At the beginning of the summer, I was 170. I am now 163. With 7 hours of exercise a week, it is easier to keep it off and continue my progress downward. Ask me when I was 190 and exercising like a fiend if I EVER thought I would be a size twelve shopping at The Limited and White House, Black Market and I would have thought it would NEVER happen. My ultimate goal is 140 - size 8 and muscular, curvy, healthy. I'll get there. Trust in the process and have patience (that's what my hubby tells me ALL the time when I get frustrated).
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    . I'm in a similar place. Wouldn't it be nice to hear somebody say "Here's what I did and this is how long it look to start losing again..."
    I know everybody is different but can I get a testimony? Anybody?
    I think MFP members are just tired of this question as it is asked often.

    Sure, whenever I hit a wall like that for longer than 2 weeks, I re-feed myself to maintenance calories for 3-4 days then drop back down. The first week dropping back usually knocks out any weight I saw be put on during the re-feeding. The second week is usually when I reach past where I was stuck.

    I have had a time or two where that did not work as planned. The I simply followed the 3 day military diet (no substitutions) and was able to break free.

    I also have some other helpers if things get extremely desperate but due to forum rules, I cannot speak of them.
  • Also, I can answer your question. I lost seven more pounds this summer, stopped counting all together for two weeks and ate what I wanted, gaining it all back. Then I went back to counting and the scale went back down IN FIVE DAYS! I expect to be able to lose the last three summer pounds now relatively easy. It's taken me two plus years to lose the weight. At the doctors 1 1/2 year ago, I was 190. At the beginning of the summer, I was 170. I am now 163. With 7 hours of exercise a week, it is easier to keep it off and continue my progress downward. Ask me when I was 190 and exercising like a fiend if I EVER thought I would be a size twelve shopping at The Limited and White House, Black Market and I would have thought it would NEVER happen. My ultimate goal is 140 - size 8 and muscular, curvy, healthy. I'll get there. Trust in the process and have patience (that's what my hubby tells me ALL the time when I get frustrated).

    Thanks that sounds amazing congratulations! I was 189 when I started! I'm chuffed to have gotten to a size 12 but I'm reluctant to put anything back on. It's just not an option!!! So I don't want to go back to bad eating habits eating whatever I want.

    I will increase my calorie intake though and see if this helps!

    Thanks for your help :)