NessaLeos3 Member


  • BALUT- duck embryo [img][/iMy friend used to eat this all the time. She tried to get me to eat that... ugh!! no gusta!![/img]
  • *I'm in the Navy and have been on aircraft carriers and still manage to get sea sick on sail boats. *My youngest brother is 16 years younger than I am, he has my heart and one of the funniest kids I know. *I am scared of clowns and the dark. But I love to watch scary movies at night, alone. *I enjoy learning and going to…
  • Ok... so I did 1 of the workouts from The Asylum... um... OMGZY!! That was tough!! Steps are much faster and Shaun T is seriously INSANE!! I may just go back to doing the regular Insanity and concentrate on my form more than the ability to complete the workout. They are both good, but I am going to be biased with the first…
  • I am starting it up again. It's such a love hate relationship with Shaun T and his AMAZING ABS!! :love: I am going to be adding Insanity The Asylum too!! I have 30 days to hit it hard!!!! EXCITED!!! :smile:
  • Navy... 10 years!! Deployed and ready to come home!!! :D
  • I have the same problem. I am currently in Afghanistan and we get care packages like crazy. Don't get me wrong... it is an awesome feeling to receive them, but they are packed with candies and other goodies that it's hard to resist. When I first got here, I was emotional eater. I was trying to make my adjustments in a…
  • How about the lowest form of hormone that you can get? I have been on many different types and the one that gives me the least amount of side affects is Lo-Ovral (sp). I have been on that low dosage for years and that is honestly the only one that doesn't make me a massive B*%^& and is great for a light and short cycle. I…
  • I just finished my 60 days!! It was pretty amazing. My cardio has improved, I can run a mile under 9 mins... I was at an 11 min mile. The only thing I don't like about it, it is hard to find a workout that will have the same affects when you have completed. I enjoyed sweating and feeling like tired after those workouts,…
  • Yeah for the FUN SIZED!!! 4" 11.5'... add me!!!