Insanity - Thoughts?

My fiance is in the Navy and left me with his Insanity Workout DVD's. I am going to Navy Boot Camp on July 10, 2012 and he tells me to do these workouts - though to be honest, I am intimidated.

I have done Jillian Michael's DVD's for the past 3 years, and yeah, I get a little slimmed down but nothing too amazing. However, I know Insanity will be a rude wakeup call. Anyway, I guess my question is what were your reactions to this workout?

Was it worth it? Will it be good for a pre-bootcamp workout? I need to lose at least another 10lbs before bootcamp, though my ultimate goal is about 28 lbs from now.


  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Can't wait to hear what people have to say. I'm curious.
  • Melanie12081
    LOOOOOVE them. But you need someone to do them with you that will push you. They're tough. We had another couple come over 6 mights a week, and we all traded off who made dinner.
  • Chuckempire
    There intense, Ive tried 3 times. However I'm going to try again once I'm in better shape. Also a lot of jumping.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Insane! I've only seen a few moves, no way can I do them. But then, Jillian Michaels kicks my butt every time.
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    That's a good idea, however I live in a 911 sq. ft 2nd floor apartment, my neighbors may not appreciate an "Insanity Party" haha!
  • MsKekeSoFocused
    MsKekeSoFocused Posts: 383 Member
    You can do it!!! It is tough, but if you never push yourself to the next level, you will never know how far you can achieve..I am doing TurboFire right now and I love it.
  • Tmarinari
    i tried them and i could not get threw them. they went to fast and i could not learn the moves.. I am now doing turbo jam. and I LOVE it. I do turbo jam almost every day. Fun and I love the music!!!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    LOVE THEM!! I am on week one of the second month. Hardest workouts, but if you follow the schedule and go at your own pace, it is doable.

    One think I like is that you can see that the people doing the workout are real people, who also struggle and have to pause to get water or catch their breath.
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    i tried them and i could not get threw them. they went to fast and i could not learn the moves.. I am now doing turbo jam. and I LOVE it. I do turbo jam almost every day. Fun and I love the music!!!

    So far the only workout system that went too fast for me was Zumba, LOL I think I was just impatient and didn't get it. And I am not that great at dancing :)
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    LOVE THEM!! I am on week one of the second month. Hardest workouts, but if you follow the schedule and go at your own pace, it is doable.

    One think I like is that you can see that the people doing the workout are real people, who also struggle and have to pause to get water or catch their breath.

    Thanks! I hate those workout DVD's where they are like "don't stop to get water" lol I just pause it then I still get the time in :)
  • missleah26
    missleah26 Posts: 146 Member
    My hubby and I started them, but I had to stop because all the jumping blew out my ankle :(

    The best session we had was when we brought his laptop to an empty classroom at the gym and did it there. No worries about pounding through the floor or sweating all over the living room lol
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    DO IT!!!!! If you stick to it and do all 60 days, you will be amazed with your results and your endurance!
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    Is the fit test hard? When I saw that day one consists of a test, I feel like that's a waste of a day lol
  • MoLove2025
    MoLove2025 Posts: 135 Member
    its worth it.....and if your trying to get ready for boot-camp.....i would def give it a try. Your going to sweat but its well worth it. I love the way i feel afterwards!
  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member
    Insanity is great for building up your cardio endurance, which is going to be very important when you get to boot camp. I joined the Navy in '99 right out of high school, and I thought I was going to die every time we went out for a run. Boot camp is challenging enough without having to struggle through the physical aspects of it, so I highly recommend that you push yourself through Insanity now and make yourself that much stronger. Plus, I think it takes a great deal of mental strength and focus to motivate yourself through Insanity, which will come in handy in boot camp. Best of luck to you, and if you have any questions about Insanity or boot camp, feel free to friend me or send me a message.
  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    Im about 3/4 of the way through and if you are willing to push yourself then you will be ready for boot camp once you're finished. However, they are difficult and you probably wont finish the work outs the first week you do them (if you are not in some type of good physical shape). If you have been doing some working out/weights then you should be fine. You wont be able to finish with them or keep up after half of the work out, but just keep pushing yourself and by the time you get to the end of the first month you will likely be able to finish the work outs and keep up with everyone. It's the second month that is the real killer. LOTS of jumping and they are longer work outs. If you feel like the second month completely kicks your butt, just do the first 30 days again. That's what I did. But again I will stress that you have to motivate yourself and really bring it to the work outs. No half assing it or you wont get what you need out of the work out. Good luck!!!!
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    Sundancer1996 the "Orange" logo on your ticker, that's not for Stingray Allstar Orange is it?
  • NessaLeos3
    NessaLeos3 Posts: 10 Member
    I just finished my 60 days!! It was pretty amazing. My cardio has improved, I can run a mile under 9 mins... I was at an 11 min mile. The only thing I don't like about it, it is hard to find a workout that will have the same affects when you have completed. I enjoyed sweating and feeling like tired after those workouts, now I can't seem to get that same physical satisfaction.
    I would suggest, rest your knees as much as you can. We did see a lot of knee and back injuries because it is a workout where you push YOUR body to a whole new limit. Know your own limits.
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    Insanity helped me with inches, but after a while it started to kill my knees. Its a great work out!! Have fun
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    You would be more fit than others at boot camp. Boot Camp will be a breeze for you.. Just sayin'. :) I think you should listen to Austin..He's been there and knows. :) Good luck Courtney.. I know you can do this, and I know how bad you are trying to get into the Navy.. This will be just another advantage of getting stronger. What have you got to lose?? Gradually work into it. Don't push yourself to complete each session if it's too hard.